Right to the big chalked jug, left to the big chalk jug
- Posts: 76
- Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2003 10:13 pm
Right to the big chalked jug, left to the big chalk jug
Just left from my first climbing trip at the Red. What a waste of bolts. You all call this sport climbing. Its the same freaking moves no matter what route your on. My hometown gym has more variety. So have none of you traveled around and saw real climbing areas. I guess not, since most of you seem to adore your little piece choss. I bet I had 3 holds break off this weekend. The routes were supposedly 3 star classics that get all kinds of traffic. I have the crux hold off of Orange Juice sitting on my dash, and have a foot hold off of Gung Ho in my pack. I shoudnt even have to talk about the soft ass ratings, 12's felt like easy 11's, 13's felt like easy 12's. Seems to me like the community is a bunch of # chasing, grid bolting, choss seaking posers.
- Posts: 116
- Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:15 am
You sound like someone who came down and got their ass kicked. Did Fuzzy Undercling shut you down? don't worry man, you too can build up the endurance to do this shit!
Also, don't get pissed off and start chipping the "crux hold" off of routes just becuase they kicked your ass.
Also, don't get pissed off and start chipping the "crux hold" off of routes just becuase they kicked your ass.
In case you misunderstood, I wasn't soloing in reality. I was just bouldering the beginning of that route. I see no glory in soloing... unless it gets you on the cover of Rock & Ice.
strong man....haters will come out of the wood work on this one, but as a pseudo local, I agree with you...climbing at the red, in general, does not take much in the way of technique...just lots of forearm endurance...
but remember, most people do not want to be really challenged..they just want to get away from their 9 to 5 life at work, and escape for a couple of days....with miguel's next door, the Red suits the bill....
as far as the ratings...i lived in colorado for 2 years, and must say the ratings at the red are very comparable to what we had out there(shelf, shambala, golden, not as much rifle)...maybe soft, but consistent nonetheless....
come to Jackson falls, and I'll get you on some real 12's...
but remember, most people do not want to be really challenged..they just want to get away from their 9 to 5 life at work, and escape for a couple of days....with miguel's next door, the Red suits the bill....
as far as the ratings...i lived in colorado for 2 years, and must say the ratings at the red are very comparable to what we had out there(shelf, shambala, golden, not as much rifle)...maybe soft, but consistent nonetheless....
come to Jackson falls, and I'll get you on some real 12's...
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
- Posts: 76
- Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2003 10:13 pm
Dude I walked the Infidel with my approach shoes on. You must have saw a local on it gumbying around.
Spray Lord you jumped the gun thinking I got my ass kicked. Im telling you the routes here are soft as whats in your drawers.
Dude I walked the Infidel with my approach shoes on. You must have saw a local on it gumbying around.
Spray Lord you jumped the gun thinking I got my ass kicked. Im telling you the routes here are soft as whats in your drawers.
I want your strong hands to wrap around my testicles like a kung fu warrior in day care. mother@@$@$@.
Pm from Horatio. I think he likes me
Pm from Horatio. I think he likes me
- Posts: 116
- Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:15 am
Perhaps I did stronghandman. I just find it amusing that you come on here and post about all of the "Posers" at Miguels and then continue to carry on about you you walked the 12's and the 13's here and about how the routes are so uniformly boring.
This sounds like something nice to take home to your friends as an excuse for not coming back here and getting spanked in front of your poser homeys.
If you disliked the routes and the people so much, why come back online and tell us about it? I, for one, am glad you didn't dig the red. As you pointed out, there are plenty of posers here already leaving their chalk marks and eroding our trails. I don't really think we have room for one more.
Also, you sound like you would get along with JH. Perhaps you could drop him PM and you all could chat about what bad mother fuckers you are in some private forum.
This sounds like something nice to take home to your friends as an excuse for not coming back here and getting spanked in front of your poser homeys.
If you disliked the routes and the people so much, why come back online and tell us about it? I, for one, am glad you didn't dig the red. As you pointed out, there are plenty of posers here already leaving their chalk marks and eroding our trails. I don't really think we have room for one more.
Also, you sound like you would get along with JH. Perhaps you could drop him PM and you all could chat about what bad mother fuckers you are in some private forum.
In case you misunderstood, I wasn't soloing in reality. I was just bouldering the beginning of that route. I see no glory in soloing... unless it gets you on the cover of Rock & Ice.
Stronghandman, must have gotten on harvest and Flux, those are the softest chossiest 13s but hey i guess if he wants to climb 13 then he hast to get on the easiest ones at the red, and then gets on and complains that they are to soft, what a chump. I wanna see this CHUMP get on Last of the Bohicans or Omaha and then call the red a jug hual. hell get on trans world YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You flash those and then you will have room to call the red a huge jug haul. hell flash convicted and ill let you say its a jug haul.
- Posts: 179
- Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2003 3:03 am