Hey, I ran across a funny idea that could be used to moderate posts. Every time someone gets out-of-line, the font for their posts shrinks by one point. If they are excessively annoying, their posts just dwindle away to nothing. Perhaps there could be a probation period after which their font would slowly grow back to normal size. Whaddaya think? Maybe I'll post a poll...
Another way to look at it, which helps me when I remember, is to look at my reaction. Other people are going to do whatever they do. I have some little control over my reactivity. When I look at my reaction to someone's behavior or words I learn something about me. Usually there is something in that other person that is also in me and I react strongly when I am reminded of my own so-called failings or defects.(forgive my impertinence,if you can)
I try to be a good man but all that comes
of trying is I feel more guilty.