Status of climbing on the Murray property from the RRGCC.

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Post by SikMonkey »

I've learned to point my pinky when drinking from a bottle of bourbon.
A paper bag is a lot classier too.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That was great!

Rhunt, have a good one at JF.

...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
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Post by TrueNorth »

jeffers mz: Construction and then IT! Both are written all through your thought process. Thought I recognized it from your first statements. I would also venture to guess larger commercial and industrial projects, with multiple sub-contractors. And since you moved to IT, I would venture to guess the electrical contracting field. Now you have my curiosity up, if you don’t mind, drop me a PM and introduce yourself.
Last edited by TrueNorth on Fri Oct 17, 2003 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by TrueNorth »

It's Friday isn't it. Hell Ray what time do you get up!
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Post by Spragwa »

Sandy: Read the line that follows what you have highlighted. Please trust the lawyers on this and believe that the lawyer's opinions are actually BASED on Kentucky law. It is ludicrous for a lawyer to render a detailed legal opinion on a public post as people may desire. All of us have said this at various times on various subjects. It could be used against a party at some point and could be considered unethical if it hurt a client.

Jeffers: You do have more leeway.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.


Post by Guest »

Spragwa, unless something has changed and you are personally working on this, I'm not sure why you can't let my questions remain for someone who is. I do appreciate that you are trying to reassure me - thank you. I seriously doubt that Shannon or John has become an expert on Kentucky Law regarding property disputes so I'm not convinced that this has been thoroughly researched. If Shannon or John tells me differently then that will be good enough for me. An answer of "we are still looking into this" is also sufficient. Your request that I have blind faith is a little too much too ask. Again, I don't need immediate answers and I would prefer they come from someone who is personally involved. I never asked for and do not expect details that would compromise the property purchase or any future litigation, just reassurances that the RRGCC is confident that the signs and gates are illegal since they are telling climbers it is okay to climb there. I certainly do not intend to offend you because I know you are trying to help. I also sincerely hope that you are right about all of this. Thanks again.

- the devil's advocate
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Post by TrueNorth »

Who put the roads in? State, County, Oil Company, Land Owner, Others
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Post by Spragwa »

Sandy: I am sure that someone else will answer you. John is out west. I will tell you that I have checked on this myself and am confident that the RRGCC is doing the right thing and has the proper legal advice, WITH THE INFORMATION THAT IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. I'm not offended by your questions, I just feel that they have been answered.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.


Post by Guest »

hey Spragwa, since you have checked into this yourself, then that is good enough for me. Thanks, girl!
captain static
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Post by captain static »

This is beginning to sound like the commercial with the pizza lawyer. If you are so intent on climbing in Big Sinkin' during this dispute, then you need to bring your climbing lawyer with you to defend your personal legal interests in dealing with Charmane, the Sheriff, and to document any conversations that may take place. You coulld even have the lawyer walk down the trail first in front of you in case of any booby traps.

I really don't think the oil company has thought this through as much as some might think. I have the feeling that they are a small time operation with limited resources. Let's not blow it by climbing there and giving them any more ammunition for their errant cause.
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
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Post by rhunt » if the current understanding is that WE are to stay out of the southern region until this is resolved can we make this more public? There are many many out-of-towners that travel to the Red everyweek and NEVER get on this web page. I'm sure gates will stop most from climbing there but some may still try to walk in. Do we want this? Can we post LARGE signs at Miguel's informing people of the current issue?
"Climbing is the spice, not the meal." ~ Lurkist
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