If you Kroger (and many of you do) every time you shop, Kroger Community Rewards will donate a portion to the RRGCC!
The RRGCC receives a quarterly check for this. Right now it's roughly $200 - which is about $800 per year. Let's try to get that up to $500/quarter!!! Our emergency road fund is around $2k (depending on the year and the weather) and given the EXTREMELY wet weather we've had this spring, we will need every penny of it! It's free for you to join and it's desperately needed for us!
Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com
Sign up. The RRGCC Kroger number is 95133 (or you can search by name)
If you're not local enough and put in Miguels's location or the zip code for Stanton as your preferred location
Miguel's - 1890 Natural Bridge Road, Slade, KY 40376
Stanton - 40380
You can go to http://rrgcc.org/documents/RRGCC_Kroger.pdf for a nice tutorial if needed

Every penny counts!