TRAD in Red Rocks
TRAD in Red Rocks
We are looking for 1 (or 3, I suppose) to go to Red Rocks (Las Vegas NV). Leaving Lexington at 20:00 on Friday 05/15/2015. Yeah that's the evening after tomorrow; sorry for the short notice, but we made this lightening decision tonight. You'll be back in time for work on 05/26. We are climbing trad. Currently we are 5 in the group. We'd like to even it up. Interested? Message me.
Re: TRAD in Red Rocks
I cannot figure out how to delete this post but we no longer need people. Wait everybody needs somebody; we no longer need more people for this trip.
Re: TRAD in Red Rocks
the best rated list at supertopo has more 5 star routes than Ray's guidebook! and they're all between 6 and 15 pitches. crazy.
training is for people who care, i have a job.