Wrist injury

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Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:58 pm

Wrist injury

Post by tpowell »

So, being the clumsy fool that I am, I slipped and fell pretty hard hiking out from fortress about a week and a half ago. Ever since then, I've been experiencing pain in my left wrist. I only experience pain when I twist my wrist as if I am jamming, and it only hurts once I reach the limit of how far I can twist it. I have no swelling, it doesn't hurt to the touch, and all other movement feels good. I've climbed on it a few times and climbing never hurts, it's only twisting it that hurts. Any ideas on what it might be? I'm thinking it's some sort of ligament damage but I'm no doctor.
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Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:22 pm

Re: Wrist injury

Post by savvytothemax »

Hi! I am no expert, but I have dealt with torn ligaments in my wrist/broken wrists before.

First off, does the wrist make a strange clicking sound when you twist it in the direction that causes pain? If so, you may have injured your TFCC... a cartilage structure on the outside of your wrist that supports the carpal bones in your hand. I have partially torn this and mine has been this way for three years now, but holding on to underclings and sidepulls with my left hand is very uncomfortable. My wrist only hurts when I twist it and it feels fine when I move it in other directions.

If not that, then I have no idea what it would be, so I would advise you to see a specialist if pain persists! I hope this helps!
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