Road damaged in MFRP

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Re: Road damaged in MFRP

Post by tutugirl »

Not related and related at the same time...the sign next to the bridge to go to Sore Heel has an arrow and says Sore Heel Parking...making people think that is the parking lot for Sore Heel...if you want them to park at the new parking area maybe a new sign is needed...
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Re: Road damaged in MFRP

Post by DriskellHR »

Yeah, your right. I made that one with about 10 other signs so I did not realize dipshit I was until it was already up and I was standing back admiring my work like a jackass.....

Making another round of signs in the near future, its on my list.
"shortcut trail to soreheel > " with a "flat holler parking < " sign next to it.

Unless someone is skilled with a router and has some time. Drop me a line, I have a list!
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Re: Road damaged in MFRP

Post by ynp1 »

I like the drunk post driskellHR! At least I hope you are drunk...
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Re: Road damaged in MFRP

Post by DriskellHR »

Nope I don't really drink. Just a dumbass naturally
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Re: Road damaged in MFRP

Post by JR »

What is the status on the Hell Creek road? Specifically the two creek crossings for the "back way" to Miller Fork.
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Re: Road damaged in MFRP

Post by DriskellHR »

It's pretty bad now for 2 Will Dr. vehicles the rain had started before we could get gravel on the road throughout I also imagine the creek is up pretty good given the rain we've had in the last 24 hours. As soon as it has dried enough for trucks and equipment. they will be going down to repair the road and finish the parking lot but everything right now is contingent on the weather cooperating
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Re: Road damaged in MFRP

Post by GWG »

If you're talking about the approach off of Tip Top Road, the 2 creek crossings have been graded so the banks are gentle and the water depth is not bad. The crossings after the parking lot are still deep. If you don't have high clearance 4wd, either park at the parking lot or bring the phone number of someone who can pull you out.
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Re: Road damaged in MFRP

Post by JR »

GWG wrote:If you're talking about the approach off of Tip Top Road, the 2 creek crossings have been graded so the banks are gentle and the water depth is not bad. The crossings after the parking lot are still deep. If you don't have high clearance 4wd, either park at the parking lot or bring the phone number of someone who can pull you out.
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