LOST Slackline at Miguel's

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LOST Slackline at Miguel's

Post by apklos »

We left our NEW slackline under a picnic table at Miguel's on Saturday night (4/19). Gibbon 1" flowline in its box. We left in a hurry to go help with the fire at Miur and forgot the slackline. By the time we returned it was gone.
If you found our slackline please let me know. apklos @ g mail
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Re: LOST Slackline at Miguel's

Post by iluvgmas »

http://www.mountainproject.com/v/lost-l ... /108887694

Im guessing you already saw this, but just in case
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Re: LOST Slackline at Miguel's

Post by whoneedsfeet »

I have an old rope that's pretty flat, you can have that. Same thing right?
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Re: LOST Slackline at Miguel's

Post by woodchuck008 »

Posted up at Mountain Project,, just saw their link to here...I saw it under the table all afternoon and evening,,,of Saturday I thought, maybe Sunday. Asked a Migs staff member if they were now selling slacklines, she said 'No, so informed them of the lost item. It was put in a bag back into the kitchen area of climber storage, on a bottom center shelf, behind some totes and food bags. I had no internet with me the last week while there, just left for home this AM and finally posted up today at MP a few hours ago. Hope you find it there yet. Not sure if you are still in the area to check in on it.
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Re: LOST Slackline at Miguel's

Post by apklos »

Thank you all so much. I called Miguel's this morning, they said they haven't seen it but it doesn't mean it isn't there. We'll be climbing again at the Red this weekend so hopefully it has turned up by then, or hopefully is still hiding away for us to find.
Regardless of the outcome, it's great to feel the love from the climbing community.
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Re: LOST Slackline at Miguel's

Post by apklos »

Update: The slackline has been found and returned! Big thanks to Woodchuck, Scott and the climbing community for being awesome.
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