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Post by RTimm »

I guess I sould check the way I walk around every dog. I might get snapped at. Sandy, you are exactly right, I have never loved a dog. I have never been fortunate enough to have one b/c of allergies, but I have loved PEOPLE more than I will ever love any dog. I guess what I am saying is, take your dog out of the equation by leaving someplace it won't have the temptation to snap (if it ever decides to).
Last edited by RTimm on Tue Oct 14, 2003 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
t bone
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Post by t bone »

I always keep my dog leashed to my pack or gear while at the cliff. if you get too close he just might lick you to death!
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Post by SikMonkey »

the phrase you highlighted was inferring an ass whipping for the "man or woman" not a killing. It should have said "I will kill your dog and 'whether you are a' man or woman", or "...'be you' man or woman". That's the problem with English. In our attempts to streamline our conversations we cut out words and phrases and infer things. This sometimes changes the meaning and point of the sentence. The reason I say this is because it's one thing to say "I'm gonna kick your ass" but it's another to threaten to kill someone.

...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?

Post by Guest »

RTimm, my dog is always on a leash and always under my control. I make sure she is never laying across any trail or in anyone's way. I'm anal about this as a matter of fact. She has never bitten anyone out of fear or aggression. She barks her fool head off when people come to my door, but never at the crag so far. I wouldn't bring her if she did.

She would rather people leave her alone, as she is quite shy, but she loves other dogs. I pack out her shit and she doesn't dig. Like tbone's dog, if you decide to pet her (and many people do) she will probably lick you to death. She is loyal to a fault and sleeps in my daughter's bed every night. Why should I take her out of the equation? I'd rather have her company than that of many people I have met. Fortunately I haven't met many climbers I don't like almost as much as I like dogs.

Post by Guest »

Sandy wrote:J.H. stay away from my dog, too. She is small and gentle, actually rather timid with new people and has never bitten out of fear or aggression. She does sometimes nip my ankles when we are running loose and playing, though, but she is "herding" me. I don't trust her not to bite you because for whatever reason, dogs react negatively to you. I've seen this myself. I am afraid I have to take the same stance as Artsay here, even though you are my friend, and ask you to never come near me or my daughter when we have our dog with us. I will physically prevent this if I have to..
What are you gonna do Sandy, whip my ass? Are you gonna get physical with me because you happen to have a dog that may or may not bite me?
You wan tme to stay away from you. No problem. You just let me know when you have your dog with you in advance and I'll keep away. If I get bit, then it's all on me.
Sandy wrote:FYI my dog is always on a leash except in our home and backyard, but only because I am very protective of her and don't want her to run off if something scares her. I don't mind well behaved dogs being off leash. I am wary if I don't know them, as anyone should be. More often than not, dogs who are off leash are not a nuisance or a danger (except in the cases when their owners are complete idiots). Something you need to realize is that when a dog IS on a leash, they are more protective of their immediate territory than they would be if they were not. You should give them a wide berth if you don't want to be bitten. Period. Don't like it? Tough. You can't separate your climbing experience from the presence of dogs unless you buy your own crag and get to make the rules.
The thing that I think you are confused about here is this, I have more inherent rights than a dog.
(1) I have the right not to be bitten. whether by intent or negligence.
(2) I have the right to walk on established paths unmolested
(3) I have the right to defend myself (legally) if I am assaulted.
(4) I have the right to not be imposed on by dog owners who want to let their dogs run free at the busiest crag on the planet.

What rights do a dog have over a human? Other than animal cruelty, none that I know of.

Sandy wrote:I have found that some other dogs are often more comfortable if one of them is on a leash and one (the dominent one) is off leash, and I think it's sometimes a good idea to introduce dogs in this way. Perhaps you should have been on a leash and the dog who nipped you should have been off? Or perhaps you should accept the fact that there are dogs around and go out of your way to avoid them unless you know they like you.
I don't have top go out of my way to avoid dogs. Their owners have a responsibility to tend to them.
Sandy wrote:As to your original post, I asked you to remove the threats of harm against people. You have not done this and you are getting a taste of the consequences in the form of how negatively people are reacting to your post. You have threatened to not only hurt the owners of dogs who may bite you, but also to kill them (as well as the dog). I am no lawyer, but I'm thinking that making threats of bodily harm to PEOPLE like this isn't going to help your case if you end up being sued over a dog bite incident and your resulting behaviour. I also think your statement that you will protect yourself would be better received if you would fucking temper yourself and be rational. Like Artsay, I feel personally threatened by your post and will act accordingly to keep you away from my dog, even though she is far from threatening or aggressive. Stay the fuck away.
Why do you feel personally threatened by anything that I post? I didn't say your name. If you control your dog then there is no problem.

I will do damage to a dog that bites me and the ass whipping to the owner that follows is obligatory. Not too many people are going to sit and watch their sketchy ass, pit bull/ tazmainian devil ,crackhead dog being beat to death!
Like I said before, you tell me you have your dog with you and I will "Stay the fuck away"
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Post by Spragwa »

RTimm: I am sympatico. JH is not attacking anyone personally, he doesn't want dogs biting him. I cannot understand why that is a problem. Really. I try to allow Dakota to free range and I am sometimes embarassed when she harasses people. I let her free range because it's great exercise and I control her when she gets out of hand. There is no need to chain a dog where it can bite someone. That's bad news.

Since he has now been bitten several times, it seems logical that he would be upset. The fact that he is delivering his message in a harsh way is just his way.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.


Post by Guest »

Disclaimer and clarification

I will not use physical deadly force on a human unless it is used/attempted on me first. I will use physical force, in kind, for a physical asault.
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Post by RTimm »

I am not saying that you have to leave her at home or anything. To take her out of the equation, simply leave her in your car or on a short leash in your hand (not tied to the kiosk at Miguel's where everyone walks by, not necessarilly you Sandy)when at cowded public places. When at the crag, do as you have been doing. Tie her up off the path and make sure the leash can't reach the climbers walking by.

Post by Guest »

I agree that a person being attacked by a dog should defend him/herself. I have had to beat a dog in the past, and I would do it again if it attacked me or a person or other dog in my care. Who wouldn't? What concerned me is that 1) you don't understand dog behavior, 2) you seem to bring out aggression in dogs and 3) you appear dead set not do anything to avoid either 1 or 2.

When we have our dog with us, I'll let you know and we won't have any problems.
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Post by Artsay »

So JH - You're saying that even if a dog is on a leash and it snaps at you, you are going to beat it to death?
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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