man if only there was a device to find that out. oh wait.
Kentucky Blood Center
3130 Mapleleaf DriveLexington, KY 40509
Get directions
(859) 327-3223
For anyone staying at Miguel's who wants to give blood for this but doesn't feel like driving to Lexington, Powell County is having a community blood drive on Tuesday, July 9th, from 12:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the community room at the Extension Office. The address is 169 Maple St., Stanton, KY.
Last edited by Mark W on Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
cool. so an easy no hassle pic. they should give you a paper telling you thanks, care tips, and when you can donate again. on that should be a sticker with your donor number. take that shot. or, pm me your number, I see them enough and they are pretty distinct series. don't worry I can't trace you nor would I want to.
also a red cross sign on newton pike on the way into town.
The KBC on Mapleleaf has good snacks, comfy loungers and cool staff. However, my phlebotomist totally ruined Game of Thrones for me (spoiler alert: every character you like will die). Everyone, get bleeding (but wear ear plugs).