Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

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Dyno wall RF 2013

Poll ended at Sat May 18, 2013 2:13 pm

YES, $5,000 is totally worth it and YES I would pay to enter
YES, $5,000 is totally worth it but NO I would not pay to enter
NO, it's not worth it
Total votes: 53

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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by toad857 »

Need funding? I'd approach one of the big companies for a full-featured, high-quality logo right in the middle of the dyno wall. Not some half-assed banner strewn across the top--a HUGE logo. Easily worth a few thousand, especially if you can promise that it will be used for the next 5 - 10 years.

Don't sell rocktoberfest short--It's not like this is some rinky dink ABS comp. Rocktoberfest is a monster climbing event, in the country's trendiest climbing locale. Expect several thousand climber views during the event, plus another 15,000 or so from facebook pics alone. For 10 years.

Hell, if I were a startup company (like one of the zillion climbing hold companies out there), I would be in my garage RIGHT NOW making plans for this wall and scrapping together funds to get it built. The reward? Your company's logo becomes the centerpiece of the whole event. The cherry on top. For years.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by climb2core »

toad857 wrote:Need funding? I'd approach one of the big companies for a full-featured, high-quality logo right in the middle of the dyno wall. Not some half-assed banner strewn across the top--a HUGE logo. Easily worth a few thousand, especially if you can promise that it will be used for the next 5 - 10 years.

Don't sell rocktoberfest short--It's not like this is some rinky dink ABS comp. Rocktoberfest is a monster climbing event, in the country's trendiest climbing locale. Expect several thousand climber views during the event, plus another 15,000 or so from facebook pics alone. For 10 years.

Hell, if I were a startup company (like one of the zillion climbing hold companies out there), I would be in my garage RIGHT NOW making plans for this wall and scrapping together funds to get it built. The reward? Your company's logo becomes the centerpiece of the whole event. The cherry on top. For years.

Yes and it becomes announced as the "Insert sponsor" dyno comp.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by toad857 »

Again: a huge, painted logo. Not a half-assed banner. permanent. long-term investment.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by DriskellHR »

I agree this site is not the best cross section of our community but its hard to reach folks on a large scale. Unless the vote tilts in the other direction (to at least a 50/50) I doubt we will move forward with CC funds. I like all the suggestions and I agree a corporate sponsor would be great. I have already agreed to build it and assume the liability in the construction and design via my company. But to go further and pay for it is out of my league, not only that its a conflict of interest for a BOD member to benefit from the CC personally. Bring me some coin for the dyno wall and i'll build it. Get a corporate sponsor to put their name on it and i'm sure the RRGCC will go for it. (please be sure you are coordinating with the RRGCC if you plan to seek help as a representative of the CC, we all need to be on the same page)

I build shit, outside that I need help getting funds together. If yall are passionate about the project gimme call my number is easy to find on the internet.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by climb2core »

DriskellHR wrote:I agree this site is not the best cross section of our community but its hard to reach folks on a large scale. Unless the vote tilts in the other direction (to at least a 50/50) I doubt we will move forward with CC funds. I like all the suggestions and I agree a corporate sponsor would be great. I have already agreed to build it and assume the liability in the construction and design via my company. But to go further and pay for it is out of my league, not only that its a conflict of interest for a BOD member to benefit from the CC personally. Bring me some coin for the dyno wall and i'll build it. Get a corporate sponsor to put their name on it and i'm sure the RRGCC will go for it. (please be sure you are coordinating with the RRGCC if you plan to seek help as a representative of the CC, we all need to be on the same page)

I build shit, outside that I need help getting funds together. If yall are passionate about the project gimme call my number is easy to find on the internet.

I think the vote may have gone differently had it had the correct message for the value some perceive this wall brings. And while votes from the community masses are nice... I think people donate their money with the intent that you (the RRGCC) will use the money as they see best for the overall success and viability of the RRGCC and its mission. In other words... polls are nice, but do what the board thinks is best.

Y'all have earned that.

Last thought... Had you asked the community if we should rent one for $500, I bet the response would have been very different. Same investment assuming 10 year lifespan.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by Yasmeen »

DriskellHR wrote:Get a corporate sponsor to put their name on it and i'm sure the RRGCC will go for it. (please be sure you are coordinating with the RRGCC if you plan to seek help as a representative of the CC, we all need to be on the same page)

It would be awesome if this thread served as a springboard for a small group who wanted to take on the task of getting the dyno wall sponsored.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by climb2core »

I think the RRGCC should come out with an official proposal to put together a subcommittee to vet the sponsorship route and see if it is possible.

That would be cool... I would support that.
Last edited by climb2core on Fri May 10, 2013 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by lena_chita »

How about increasing the Rocktoberfest registration fee by $5 and earmarking that money for the bouldering wall?

That way, if one in 10 attendees enters the "free" bouldering comp, it is effectively the same as them paying $50 to register for the bouldering comp. And I think $5 is not going to make that much difference for people who were planning to go to Rocktoberfest in the first place.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by Steve_RRG »

I would say if you can get a sponsor or someone else to pay for it, fine. If it's coming out of RRGCC funds, I don't think it's a good idea. Seems to me that when people make a donation to the RRGCC they believe they are supporting infrastructure for outdoor climbing, e.g., trails, anchors, land, etc. Perhaps one of the climbing gyms could use it (and pay for it) for the other 364 days. It really sounds like something that belongs indoors at a gym except for special occasions.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by krampus »

Steve, you could make that same argument about the money they spend to get the 23 string band for trail day, or any of the logistics that goes into rocktoberfest. The cost of the dyno wall would just be rolled into that sum.
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