Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

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Dyno wall RF 2013

Poll ended at Sat May 18, 2013 2:13 pm

YES, $5,000 is totally worth it and YES I would pay to enter
YES, $5,000 is totally worth it but NO I would not pay to enter
NO, it's not worth it
Total votes: 53

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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by DriskellHR »

If something don't change drastically in the poll it does not look like I will be building one. Cant say i'm too disappointed but it would be cool to have for other events.

And woodchuck should that ever change i'll count you in as the dyno comp organizer. Seems you know how to do it better........ 8)
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by crazyhair »

What would we do with it the other 364 days out of the year? Could people donate to use it? Keep it out behind the shop as a gimmick?
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by DriskellHR »

Liability would neither allow us to let anyone other than the RRGCC use it, nor could we leave it unattended at miguels. (we don't want the liability and i'm sure Miguel would not either)

It could be used for other RRGCC events.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by clif »

ok, i'm throwing this out there, i know it's mostly too cold to swim at Lago Linda's during Rocktoberfest, but people...eh

anyway. at J&A trailday the slip and slide could use a little compliment. if this thing were on wheels/movable... the deep end of Linda's is at least 8 ft., prolly 10+.

i'm not saying it's worth it-
training is for people who care, i have a job.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by One-Fall »

Thanks for checking with the community.
Can't we all just get along?
captain static
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by captain static »

I don't think people realize how much effort Mike put into this project. He has consulted with people who design climbing walls and has built a couple models of the wall. He has also done his homework on developing cost estimates to put the wall together. It would be a shame to see all this effort go to waste.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by dustonian »

I think the poll is flawed... There should be an option for those who think it's worth spending the money on but don't want to enter. Most people just like to spectate. That said, 5 grand is a lot of money and there are a lot of other things in the PMRP and elsewhere in need of investment (ie. a parking lot being #1 in my opinion).
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by DriskellHR »

I appreciate that bill but I'd rather do what the community wants. I have not expended much effort on it this year (far far less then last years design work) so it's no biggie. And I agree there are many other things we could spend the cash on. Personally I feel we could get a large portion of the wall donated but unless that happens on its own I'm going to table the idea for this year. Maybe we can revisit it next year and see what folks think then
"....... Be sure to linger......." Mike Tucker
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by Willy »

I vote we add a specific donation box on rrgcc.org for it. I'd be willing to throw in a few bucks for it every now and then to help secure the future entertainment of watching drunk dude bros trying to dyno.
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Re: Dyno wall Rocktoberfest 2013?

Post by Cromper »

dustonian wrote:I think the poll is flawed... There should be an option for those who think it's worth spending the money on but don't want to enter. Most people just like to spectate. That said, 5 grand is a lot of money and there are a lot of other things in the PMRP and elsewhere in need of investment (ie. a parking lot being #1 in my opinion).
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