New Gravel!

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Re: New Gravel!


Jeff wrote:Impressed with her work!
Something I've thought about for awhile is working with LeeCo/schools to help interested kids in learning to climb.
Give them something to do in their backyard which happens to be a world class climbing destination.
I believe it would go a long way in building great relations which would just happen to spread to families and the surrounding community at large.
Of course the questions would include who would teach? Who would give their time? Etc...
Perhaps offer up 5-10 slots at this years UClimb.
What a great ideal.. I would be willing to give up some time for this.. Most of the kids i have seen around Know nothing of rockclimbing, and the few that do can not afford all the fancy gear.. Let me know Jeff if this ever happens or ya need help.. I prolly got a harness or 2 and a few old smelly shoes in kids sizes and a day or 2 to give.. Patrick
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Re: New Gravel!

Post by dustonian »

The younger guys working at H&H Tires are getting into it & way SIKED... could be a good place to start in addition to the schools...
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Re: New Gravel!

Post by climb2core »

I always see a ton of kids gear in the lost and found at gym. May make a great donation...
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Re: New Gravel!

Post by Meadows »

Beautiful, beautiful ideas.
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Re: New Gravel!

Post by Andrew »

Jeff wrote:Impressed with her work!
Something I've thought about for awhile is working with LeeCo/schools to help interested kids in learning to climb.
Give them something to do in their backyard which happens to be a world class climbing destination.
I believe it would go a long way in building great relations which would just happen to spread to families and the surrounding community at large.
Of course the questions would include who would teach? Who would give their time? Etc...
Perhaps offer up 5-10 slots at this years UClimb.
What a great ideal.. I would be willing to give up some time for this.. Most of the kids i have seen around Know nothing of rockclimbing, and the few that do can not afford all the fancy gear.. Let me know Jeff if this ever happens or ya need help.. I prolly got a harness or 2 and a few old smelly shoes in kids sizes and a day or 2 to give.. Patrick
I would definitely help with something like this. I would hope that UClimb would be willing to help out in some way, or maybe the RRGCC just does it on there own. I am not sure what the liability issues are, but I think this would be a great idea.
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Re: New Gravel!

Post by DriskellHR »

We have been kicking a similar idea around Jeff. Not sure we considered uclimb but not sure it's gunna happen this year either. It got cancelled last year due to budget cut backs by MG and schedule conflicts. Hopefully we can take it to them. Ill be sure that idea gets in the mix.

If it does not work with uclimb we are open for ideas or better yet a driving force behind te concept. Someone to develop a plan, run it past the BOD and run with it. We always need new blood
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Re: New Gravel!

Post by cliftongifford »

I'm sure that we could help out... considering we have the resources available to make something happen. We would be more than willing to give up some time to get some local kids into climbing if it helps the community.
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