For those who like numbers, here are the stats on Muir Valley attendance for 2012. The first column is month, second is number of cars, and third is the number of persons.
Jan 55 176
Feb 180 576
Mar 1167 3734
April 1430 4576
May 1285 4112
June 1040 3328
July 599 1917
Aug 1006 3219
Sept 972 3110
Oct 1883 6026
Nov 1194 3821
Dec 384 1229
Total 11195 35824
Our busiest day was Saturday, October 13 with 172 cars and over 600 climbers. Both parking lots hold a total of 69 cars, so the extra 103 cars that day either parallel parked in the Webers' driveway or along the maintenance road.
In late February, the attendance usually starts to pick up quickly. In 2012, there were 57 vehicles on the last weekend of Feb, 52 the first weekend in March, and 190 cars on the second weekend in March. After that, it was off to the races for 2012. We expect to see 2013's stats follow the pattern of 2012's.
Visitors came from all over the globe. Saw license plates for 46 states. Huge numbers came from Canada. Torrent Falls, KRAG, and other guide services had groups in the Valley several days every week. Jim Taylor and Karsten Delap taught several AMGA courses in SPI. And, Rescue 3 International and KY Emergency Management conducted 8 courses in technical rope rescue at the Muir Rescue Training Center.
We are estimating Muir's attendance in 2013 will exceed 40,000 visitors. With the new climbs established this past year and the ongoing development of new lines this spring, we don't anticipate crowds being a concern... except for Bruise Brothers Wall on a Saturday.
Muir Valley Stats
Muir Valley Stats
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau