"Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by climb2core »

I am an Obama supporter too... but c'mon Krampus, the moral high ground will do us no good if he looses the election. Last night was O'fail. We need him to step up.
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by dustonian »

I agree with Joel and am glad to have a president who doesn't allow himself to get pulled down to his opponent's level of cheap "zingers", deceitful pandering, saying anything to be liked, and bullying the moderator... substance over style, in other words. Romney may have won on "style points," but personally I have never put much emphasis on presentation or the "way" things are said versus what is actually being said.
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by climb2core »

dustonian wrote:I agree with Joel and am glad to have a president who doesn't allow himself to get pulled down to his opponent's level of cheap "zingers", deceitful pandering, saying anything to be liked, and bullying the moderator... substance over style, in other words. Romney may have won on "style points," but personally I have never put much emphasis on presentation or the "way" things are said versus what is actually being said.

Unfortunately, I believe you are in the vast minority...
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by dustonian »

I never claimed to speak for anyone else. That said, I still believe truth usually wins out with most people over time, assuming it is made available. No doubt that Obama will never be the gifted salesperson Romney is.

An important thing to keep in mind is which powerful interests each of them actually represents. Which groups and individuals are supporting their campaigns and why? Who do they "owe" if elected? Unfortunately that may be about the closest we get to knowing the "true Romney" in our current system, and especially with regard to a brilliant chimera and opportunistic businessman like this--aside from secret video recordings of him pandering to his small but ultra-wealthy base of supporters, of course.
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by clif »

Crankmas wrote: its still about racism if you don't readily accept his failure
i thought the muslim brotherhood's successful takeover of america would have earned him one point?
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by pigsteak »

with $4 gas, is big oil in Obama's back pocket? that was the excuse used on W.

and do you for one iota think the same Obama will show up next time? forgetaboutit...the next round big O hopefully will take the gloves off...his political life as POTUS depends on it....if he had ridden Romney into the ground last night there would have been alot of gleeful chest thumping from the party faithful (see I was nice not to hurt dusty's sensitivities). right now, it is a bunch of sheeple with lost in the headlights look...what happened to our great orator of four years ago> what happened to the sweeping vision? he now looks like a grey haired old politician who lost his buzz and is now part of the real establishment. welcome to reality Mr. President.

I am voting for Obama, but only because I want him to dig us out of the incredible mess he is exacerbating. prepare for four more years of stagnant growth and uncertainty, and then the spin to once again blame it on those damn obstructionists.....
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by clif »

whatever, obama revealed himself a wuss the night of the first election in his Grant park speech
training is for people who care, i have a job.
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by Jeff »

If your voting for Obama, be sure to vote dems into the house and senate or it will be four more years of spinning tires.
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by tpowell »

Guys, need we get all flustered with all this politics nonsense before Rocktoberfest?
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Re: "Obama made a lot of great points tonight."

Post by Jeff »

When's Rocktoberfest?
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