The wide spot before the 9 split that got flooded out a couple of weeks ago with the white cross by the road? I'm guessing that is Forest Service land like the rest of the stuff back there. I think they just tolerate the heavy duty car camping (travel trailers) at that spot.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
Going to be arriving late on fri night, wanted a place to crash for the night before I move on to lago linda or miguels. Roadside used to be perfect for this, is it still closed?
Wicked Tribe wrote:Still closed. Are you dropping from the sky or coming in from route 715?
Driving in from Atlanta. Trying to remember the best way, I-75 to 30? That sounds right, don't have a map in front of me at the present. Any other places to crash that you can think of?