bcombs wrote:I'm looking forward to finding that full time job that lets me work 165 days a year. Siked!!
Better yet you could become a stripper they mostly work at nite so you could go straight from the crag to the club, harness and all. I'd give you a dollar if you came out on stage in a thong, harness and your hands taped up.
climb2core wrote:Genetically endowed... lol. Made me think you were talking like John Holmes endowed.
I guess that analogy would be John Holmes teaching you how to have sex. No matter how you hard you try, you probably won't do it like him.
Now, now brown cow. I didn't say "well-endowed". Two different phrases here ... endowed means, "to equip or supply with a talent or quality," which his genetics provided him. Well-endowed is just a subset of having good genetics.
rjtrials wrote:...climbing 200+ days a year... try harder...
by traveling both these roads, you can do relatively hard things without dedicated training.
i choose to live in an area where i can work and climb full time. i realize not everybody has that luxury (made the sacrifice) i take relatively menial jobs that offer a flexible schedule. for instance, i currently work 3 13-14 hour shifts plus one 5-7 hour shift a week. allowing for 3 full climbing days plus one half day. of course, most wont see this as a 'viable' life/work choice. but climbing hard in the gym after work tues&wed then cragging sat&sun every week accomplishes basically the same thing.
the reality of climbing harder is this. How bad do you want it? if it is important, you will find a way to do it.
I'm well known in story, famous in song,
The black sheep, the blemish, the one who went wrong...