question for the bolters

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Re: question for the bolters

Post by Brentucky »

Man, I need a cold shower after reading this and thinking of you hot and sweaty men doing your thang.
efil lanrete... i enjoy the sound, but in truth i find this seductively backward idea to be quite frightening
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Re: question for the bolters


Brentucky wrote:Man, I need a cold shower after reading this and thinking of you hot and sweaty men doing your thang.
Yeah man you are really missing should see all hole blowing and reaming out we have been doing..even got some sticky stuff dripping all over the place.. we could always use a new pivot man
Rebolting the RED one stainless steel glue in bolt at a time!!
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Re: question for the bolters

Post by Spikeddem »

Brentucky wrote:Man, I need a cold shower after reading this and thinking of you hot and sweaty men doing your thang.
Yeah man you are really missing should see all hole blowing and reaming out we have been doing..even got some sticky stuff dripping all over the place.. we could always use a new pivot man
I heard it gets even crazier once the drive to the crag is over and the rebolting begins.
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Clevis Hitch
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Re: question for the bolters

Post by Clevis Hitch »

If you give a man a match, he'll be warm for a minute. If you set him on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life!
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