Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

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Nate W
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Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by Nate W »

I have recently been trying to get out to do a little trail maintenance on some of the lesser traveled crags. Just some simple deadfall clearing and drainage work, nothing big. A couple of weeks ago while working at Pebble Beach, I came across a larger fallen tree (poplar?) that left my little bow saw and ax quivering in my hands.
Does anyone know what the policy on chainsaw use in DBNF? I have a feeling it is frowned upon but there are a lot of fallen trees that cannot be easily cleared with hand tools.

There are a few I'd like to get to this year. What I can remember offhand is:

Pistol Ridge: Lots of little stuff
Fortress: Tons of BIG stuff. A trail reroute may be in order.
Chica Bonita: The widowmaker over When Rats Attack desperately needs cleared.

If anyone knows any other trails in need of a little TLC, post 'em up. If it's a crag I like, I may get to it.
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by dustonian »

hey Nate, funny you posted this, I was about to start a similar thread...

Not exactly "lesser traveled", but the bridge to the Motherlode is in dire need of lengthening again and will probably not make it thru spring without getting washed away. Last time Mike Anderson & crew added some 2x4's the reach the eroded bank, but he is no longer "among us" now...

Also the Chocolate Factory direly needs a similar bridge of its own or at least a couple 2x10's lashed to a tree.... About a 6-8' span.

Probably a half day's work for 2 guys with good skillz. I may be able to be out there Sunday, by it could be a while after that.

Thanks Nate!!
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by ted »

Ha! Im glad you ask this. Hopefully someone can chime in with some info. Ive got a personal vendetta with that big ass oak at fortress and a hungry Stihl Farm Boss.
captain static
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by captain static »

Doing any trail work within the National Forest requires coordination with them. To use a chainsaw within the DBNF you need to have a Forest Service "saw card". If Pete's saw card is still valid I will try to get something arranged for him to take care of Pebble Beach. The trail at Fortress and at most other crags are not approved by the Forest Service and they will not support trail maintenance work at other than approved "system trails". The Military, Left Flank, & Pebble Beach trails are the only system trails going to crags at this point. Please be patient on this. The RRGCC has submitted a new MOU to the Forest Service for review with the aim of improving coordination on trail work.

For any work on the PMRP please coordinate with the PMRP Property Manager, Matt Tackett (RRO on this bbs). There are a number of trail days planned that are listed on the RRGCC website calendar and Matt can use all the help he can get.
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Nate W
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by Nate W »

Thanks for the info. I will be very interested to hear how the MOU is taken. I will leave off any work more than clearing small deadfall until I hear otherwise. Continued good relationship with Land Management is certainly more important.
Most of the crag trails I travel frequently in National Forest land are in decent shape anyway. They just need light corridor clearing and the cleaning out of clogged drainages.

As for the privately owned land (Muir Valley, PMRP, etc.), any work should of course be done through the proper channels. I will definitely try to get involved with more organized trail this year.

Thanks all!
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by toad857 »

bureaucracy wins.
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by dssclimb »

I extended the motherlode bridge last time. I've been planning on extending again. Just haven't had time. I'll try to do that in the next week or two unless someone else wants to do it.
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by clif »

fwiw- 'she might be a liar' at chica needs toolwork, probably rapping in from the top-if i can make the trailday in april i plan on following up if necessary.
also, there was a tree snagged up at the zoo on 'monkey' or 'geezers'-can't remember where exactly- but that trail could use some stairs etc... a crew of 4-6 for a few hours with some stair material~

Edit-Capt'n-could you post the pending MOU? thanks-c.
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by pigsteak »

Zoo is private land and would need landowner approval.
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Re: Trail Maintenence and Power Tools

Post by clif »

approval to put wood in the woods?

pigsteak-not knowing the laws of dirtbaggers is no excuse from breaking their laws.

Edit: i would like to be amused, do i have permission?
training is for people who care, i have a job.
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