Morgan Co Tornado

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john e aragon
Posts: 287
Joined: Sun Oct 06, 2002 7:45 pm

Morgan Co Tornado

Post by john e aragon »

Hello to my friends in the climbing world. Many of you have called and asked how we are here in Morgan Co. My family and my property are fine. However the county was totally destroyed. Thanks to God very few people lost their lives , none I know. I work for the telephone co. so I have been woking 24/7 to restore service. While doing so I have seen first hand the damage. Words can not describe it.The power and telephone circuits had to be totally rebuilt from scratch. Very few buildings remain. It is a living nightmare here. BUT WE WILL BE OKAY. THe good news is that since the land has been striped bare I have noticed a lot more rock here.
because i can
Posts: 1949
Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:18 am

Re: Morgan Co Tornado

Post by RRO »

So glad to hear y'all are good

If you need to contact me , email me. Less Internet, less stress
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