i'm a picky perfectionist... pardon my personal flaws... it's not a tri-cam, but it is a really cool beer tap and a really cool way to retire gear... it looks like it's still in great shape! why was it retired?
okay... sorry i'm not trying to be an a-hole or to derail this thread... so i'll add some productive thoughts... i've made rope ladders out of my retired ropes, jewlery out of retired trad gear, rope rugs... that's all I can think of right now.
dustonian wrote:Any and all retired ropes please forward my way for fixed line/rebolting/development purpoeses... the ones that aren't being made into rugs of course!
Xtant wrote:Sorry, I was mistaken. Katie's the climber...lol. I don't mess with the trad stuff.
It got kinda rusty. Little bit more than surface rust, so we thought it best to pull it out of the rack.
understandable... and no worries at all, man... like i said, i'm just being picky because i'm bored... i'm gonna blame it on my friends that always correct me when i use the words less or fewer incorrectly.
dustin - i've got a fixed line that i've had hanging on this route for about 2 years now... if you want it, you can have it... all you gotta do is go get it down... let me know if you're interested and i'll tell you where it is...