Roadside for sale?

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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by KD »

btw where is Clevis? There's been a couple of threads of concern here and no Clevis - this aint right.
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by rjackson »


The silence is deafening.

Is everyone buried in their basements training for their next rad proj? Gone south for bouldering and have no internet access? Are they on the other side of the world chasing Ondra and Sharma? Or is the thought of climbers who saved climbing from climbers too much to bear? At any rate, I am amazed (and then again I guess I'm not) that this thread has raised nary a ruckus or barely an eyebrow. I quickly looked at the thread that in essence announced the closure of Roadside last Spring and within 24 hours nearly 10 pages was generated of support, sadness and hardly a question. Now that a post has been made to put it "all" on the table, there is barely two pages of half-witted dribble and not a sign of any interest as to what the real (or complete) story is. Amazing.

When I started hearing the "rumors" I took my natural position on the fence, waiting to hear from others and waiting to hear what might come out from the other side. But all I continued to glean from conversations (that were "not" instigated in investigation) only supported the previous story. Well here is the opportunity for all those involved to put it on the table. Speak up RRGCC. Speak up land owners. Speak up climbers. If not here, then where? And if not at all, then the silence tells the tale...
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by dustonian »

"climbers who saved climbing from climbers"?? WTF? If they hadn't "saved" the place from a local land developer back in 2004, it would still be open today and for the foreseeable future.
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by Shamis »

rjackson wrote:Wow.

The silence is deafening.

Is everyone buried in their basements training for their next rad proj? Gone south for bouldering and have no internet access? Are they on the other side of the world chasing Ondra and Sharma? Or is the thought of climbers who saved climbing from climbers too much to bear? At any rate, I am amazed (and then again I guess I'm not) that this thread has raised nary a ruckus or barely an eyebrow. I quickly looked at the thread that in essence announced the closure of Roadside last Spring and within 24 hours nearly 10 pages was generated of support, sadness and hardly a question. Now that a post has been made to put it "all" on the table, there is barely two pages of half-witted dribble and not a sign of any interest as to what the real (or complete) story is. Amazing.

When I started hearing the "rumors" I took my natural position on the fence, waiting to hear from others and waiting to hear what might come out from the other side. But all I continued to glean from conversations (that were "not" instigated in investigation) only supported the previous story. Well here is the opportunity for all those involved to put it on the table. Speak up RRGCC. Speak up land owners. Speak up climbers. If not here, then where? And if not at all, then the silence tells the tale...
What is there to say? Some faggot bought the crag for 'climber's. Closed it, created extra demand, and is selling it for a markup. Nothing to say. I'd kick him in the nuts if I saw him (and knew who he was), but who am I to interfere with his quest to join the rank of other not so wealthy americans?
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by Syphur »

The reason the thread about the closure got so many responses would most likely be that it was started by the owner. So far all this thread contains is rumors. When facts arise well talk about it. Till then it's just a gossip thread.
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by EricDorsey »

Syphur wrote:The reason the thread about the closure got so many responses would most likely be that it was started by the owner. So far all this thread contains is rumors. When facts arise well talk about it. Till then it's just a gossip thread.
RJackson - What syphur said. I have been following this thread the past 2 days hoping for some solid information as to whats going on but so far its just rumors and speculations. What exactly did you want people like me to comment on? Speculate on the speculations? Also it is the middle of winter and some climbers might not be checking this board everyday like in spring when RS was shut down....
Last edited by EricDorsey on Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by climb2core »

It is their right to try to sell it for whatever they want. If the asking price is correct, they have forgotten their roots and what probably made them buy it in the first place.
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by rjackson »

This thread was heading towards a shallow grave. I suspect that quite a few are waiting for some posts from the parties involved, and I am included in this crowd. Enough people lurk around here in the winter that word gets around. It's a small community. I am somewhat surprised that more climbers haven't said "speak up!" (especially since it involves the coalition). And I do not refuse the owners right to do what they want, only to be truthful to the community about their agendas (though don't "have" to do that either) if they want our support. Want to keep it, just say you want to keep it. Want to profit, then say you want to profit. Made an offer, say you made an offer. Want to stay behind closed doors, then perhaps Clevis has been right all along.
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by clif »

thanks for speaking up rjackson. i've a few thoughts but don't want to wear out my welcome. the timing is curious-
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Re: Roadside for sale?

Post by cliftongifford »

Apparently a lot of people like to assume a lot and degrade people they don't even know. Who are you to judge people without knowing the facts? Especially when those same folks have done more for climbing than most people in this forum. Cm-on, get real.
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