An Onsight is...

Discussions full of RAGE!

An onsight is...

A) Climbing a route on lead for the first time without falls and w/o any previous knowledge of the route including the grade.
B) Climbing a route on lead for the first time without falls but with beta from a guidebook.
Total votes: 31

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Post by pigsteak »

wanker #2...pigsteak
wanker #1....SCIN

damn, I gotta work harder at this job.

hey ray, is it possible to double up the life points lost when allah argues with the forum bot?
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by SCIN »

Sure, why the hell not man. Also, it's still protocol to triple the points lost for each time Allah drops a well known climber's name or makes a subtle reference to what route he is going to be working in the upcoming weekend (subtle spray).
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!

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Post by pigsteak »

my only fear is if we piss allah off too much, my eternal salvation might be in jeopardy...

well, I'm off to go work on "To Bolt" out at Smith with Jim Karn...

(wait..if no one gets my subtle spray on this one, does that , mean I am too old to play the game? Are Bobbie Bensman or Mia Axom relevant anymore, cause I don't know Tori...)

Have a great climbing weekend all!
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by allah »

subtle spray wanker #1???????? your wacked no one knows what im working on right now and what i have been doing these last few weeks, unless you are there. which your not since you are off climbing all that "crack" . oh but just to let everyone know I ONSIGHTED everything in the madness can and everyrthing in the darkside, well no i flashed the 12a cause i looked up as i was walking up and saw someone click the anchors so i guess that ruins that on-sight. Oh and another thing, "to bolt" is a jug hule why dont you go and get on "just do it" its a little harder, but not by much, may give you a little challange.
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Post by tomdarch »

Sorry to interrupt such an erudite discussion...

The fact that we have these long arguments tells me that you can't make 'rules' and that specific terms are only useful for general discussion. After all, this isn't something deadly serious like figure skating - it's all for fun! Explain what you did: "yeah, I basically onsighted it, but I read Johnny's description about keeping left - I guess that helped a bit." By themselves, "onsight" or "flash" or "redpoint" don't tell enough - explain!

I can't help but mention my pet peeve - this question of wether knowing the grade invalidates an onsight, or whatever, isn't a question of "ethics", its a question of "style". Leave 'ethics' for more serious matters.
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Post by Christian »

Yes sir.
I try to be a good man but all that comes
of trying is I feel more guilty.
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