End of the Season Trail Day / Climbers That Care Party

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End of the Season Trail Day / Climbers That Care Party

Post by Yasmeen »

Matt Tackett is holding a trail day on Saturday, November 19th. Please meet in the Sore Heel parking lot at 10am - we'll carpool from there to the sites that need work done. We plan on wrapping up around 4pm (please bring your own lunch and drinks) and heading to Torrent for beers, chili, and a camp fire. Price of admission to dinner/party at Torrent: having worked the trail day, or bringing a bag of clothing or food to donate to the Climbers that Care Winter Drive.

Please RSVP to help those in charge plan the trail work: http://rrgcc.org/end-of-the-season-trai ... are-party/
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captain static
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Re: End of the Season Trail Day / Climbers That Care Party

Post by captain static »

If we can get enough people to commit to doing trail work for this end of the season event I am going to take a crew out to work on maintaining the Military Wall trail. This work has been laid out and reviewed by the USFS. For the benefit of caribe's question in another thread, all trail work on USFS land has to be coordinated with them and has additional requirements as far as waivers and that volunteers need to wear a helmet or hardhat. The Military trail work is the most urgent now and we we will try to get something set up for Left Flank trail maintenance in the spring.
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
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