Lost climbing MOJO

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Lost climbing MOJO

Post by Huggybone »

I have lost all my climbing mojo, and cannot find it anyplace. I havn't climbed in over a month, not even on my home wall.
I think I lost it this summer. I've noticed a decrease in motivation since I started roadtripping.
Have you ever lost your climbing mojo?
What did you do to get it back?

Yours truly,
-a lame wade
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Post by overhung »

I know exactly what you mean. I had the same problem this summer. I planned to climb all summer, since I get them off being a school teacher. But, I didn't climb at all. I just found other things to do. Even considered selling my rack at one point. But, you just come full circle. You'll get it back.
I've had just about enough of this shit.
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Post by Huggybone »

Man, I hope so.
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Post by SikMonkey »

Kreike! He's lost his mojo! ...Just kidding. A break never hurt anyone. You will just have to dig your endurance and power out of the closet, blow the dust off and start cranking again!

...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
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Post by Wes »

Dude, you moved to Iowa, that place will suck the mojo out of you for sure. You must move closer to real rock, then you mojo will be back.

"There is no secret ingredient"

Po, the kung fu panda
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Post by Mulva »

My question is...can chics lose their mojo? hmm... Oh! Wait! <i><b>climbing</b></i> mojo! 8)

I hear you 88keys! I'm dealing with that at the moment myself! My (climbing)mojo comes and goes, waxes and wanes, appears and disappears. I envy those totally focused/dedicated dudes and dudettes(sp?) that never seem to lose their focus!
"The journey is what matters. The summit is an arbitrary place to turn around.
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Post by GWG »

The thing that has motivated me more than anything is having a trip planned in the future. Plan a trip for the spring which will challenge you at about your limits and then you have something to work towards.

I needed to get back in shape so I planned a trip to Mt Rainier. Knowing I needed to be in great shape, I worked harder on getting in shape than ever before.

Give yourself a goal to shoot for and watch your motivation fly!!!
Spray Lord
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Post by Spray Lord »

I think that I might have actually found your mojo. If it's kind of green and you left it out at Funk Rock towards the beginning of the summer, then I definitely found it and have been using it ever since. If this sounds like it might be your mojo, let me know and I'll see if I can get it back to you.
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Post by Mulva »

Yeah baby! YEAH!!
"The journey is what matters. The summit is an arbitrary place to turn around.
-Heather MacDonald

Post by Guest »

I'm pretty sure we sold your mojo at the Gear Sale. We only got $8 for it, because it looked a little worn out.
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