Break-ins in PMRP Aug 21

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Re: Break-ins in PMRP Aug 21

Post by XplosionOflaver »

I called the lee county police and provided them with all the info that AT&T provided me.....

I can see it now...In the Criminal Justice System of the PMRP the people are represented by three separate, yet equally important groups. The police who investigate crime, The District Attorneys who prosecute the offenders, and Rock Climbers who take justice into their own hands........these are their stories.....
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Re: Break-ins in PMRP Aug 21

Post by Jeff »

In addition to B-Ville PD, be sure to contact the county sheriff and the state police.
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Re: Break-ins in PMRP Aug 21

Post by kato »

tactless, your comment reminded me of this story... ... tg&cad=rja
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Re: Break-ins in PMRP Aug 21

Post by Yasmeen »

Have any of the cars parked at the top of the Motherlode hill been broken into, or have all the break-ins happened in the parking lot right by the trail?
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