Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by bcombs »

yeah, and me too.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by TradMike »

dustonian wrote:TradMike is a bad ass!! He's ben crushing 10a/b onsight for over 20 years!!! Don't f--- with him SCIN, he's got mad trad 'tude, etc etc etc. YAAAAAAAAWWWNNN.....someone's been reading back issues of Alpinist on the shitter a little too much IMO.
If you are so bad ass. Let's see you try Excalibur. It's only 10a. I bet you can't do it!
Rocky Top
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by Rocky Top »

chriss wrote: Get up earlier and you will not have that problem. Do you complain when you go to the grocery store and have to wait to checkout?
Sound advice, tho I do complain when there is not enough checkers, but I also get up early(er) if I am keen on something. Works whether you are alpine, sport, or trad in my xperience.

Oh, and

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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by chriss »

climb2core wrote:Chriss, you are missing the point. ..... After 10 min of working the same sequence, I will pull through (if possible) or lower if there are people waiting.
I am sure you would appreciate these ethics if you show up at the same crag and want to jump on a line that I am 15 feet up on.
I Understand exactly what you are saying ... that everyone should agree with your point of view. if I am working a project, especially a first burn on a hard route, I am going to do it right. I may try a sequence 7 or 8 times to find the most efficient beta. I don't worry if someone is waiting, (the only person the matters is your belayer) because when they get on the route they have all the time that they need to complete it. If I was to impatient to wait I would jump on another route or an extra warmup burn, something most of us have done many times!

C2C, I think you may have missed the point.
vertical1 wrote:it does seem the general concensus is that the guy had the right to be on SBF, and that climb2core should have either just been patient or just moved on.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by Toad »

C2C - I'm with you on both accounts.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by DuppyC »

TradMike wrote:
dustonian wrote:TradMike is a bad ass!! He's ben crushing 10a/b onsight for over 20 years!!! Don't f--- with him SCIN, he's got mad trad 'tude, etc etc etc. YAAAAAAAAWWWNNN.....someone's been reading back issues of Alpinist on the shitter a little too much IMO.
If you are so bad ass. Let's see you try Excalibur. It's only 10a. I bet you can't do it!

What's up Dusty, you going to accept this challenge or what? If so, I may want to run some sort of odds and or be the bookie to take bets on the accomplishment. Since you've been fairly silent since the challenge, I assume you are not up for it...

If I am wrong, let us know and I will act as "The House," and start taking bets on if you can onsight that 10a choss pile known as Excalibur. I think you got it!!
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by pigsteak »

shoot..I have never placed gear but I'll take the bet...10b trad is what, like 5.6 sport? except 5.6 sport is more fun.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by the lurkist »

I think Duston's silence is graciousness in that you have no idea of his climbing vita. Just an FYI.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by bcombs »

I sent Bonzo once. It was epic. I peed a little.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by TradMike »


You don't need any trad gear. It has a bolt and use a screamer. If you do fall, make sure to push off. I don't want any blood on my hands.
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