Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by climb2core »

pigsteak wrote:man, you guys are no least tell me I am full of crap or something.

Porky, 100 insults right at you!!!
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by DuppyC »

climb2core wrote:As luck would have it he was on Super Best Friends... His belayer even told me it was gonna be a long time after I declared my interest in the route and asked how many more people were in line (none...just him.)

So, it is apparent that he really had no business on that route
Whaaaa, Whaaaaa, sounds like a minor case of Paraphilic Infantilism for C2C, so some dude wanted to get on something over his head AND had the nerve to get there before you, get over it man. You're in Muir Valley, lots of other stuff to do, with or without perma-draws. If you can make it, the next ABC(adult baby club) meeting is set for June 16th at King's Crossing in England. Dress lite.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by climb2core »

Puppy, maybe you were the belayer? Nice of you to stick up for your buddy from Bloomington though.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by DuppyC »

climb2core wrote:Puppy, maybe you were the belayer? Nice of you to stick up for your buddy from Bloomington though.
Nope, not me, I had a dog with me this weekend and steered clear of Muir.

I hate dogs at the crag, that could be a subject to talk about too.

I'm not sticking up, just piling on. Don't be so sensitive, life is too short.
"No one has to do something he doesn't want to do for the rest of his life. But then again, if that's what you end up doing, by all means convince yourself that you had to do it; you'll have lots of company." HST
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by climb2core »

Don't know about sensitive.. cause in truth I really don't care what y'all have to say. But I do enjoy the entertainment value and giving shit right back.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by vertical1 »

it does seem the general concensus is that the guy had the right to be on SBF, and that climb2core should have either just been patient or just moved on. Maybe he was really the one wanting to get on a route over his head due to permadraws?
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by chriss »

climb2core wrote:Puppy, maybe you were the belayer? Nice of you to stick up for your buddy from Bloomington though.
hmmmmm, well I don't know either of them and I think you are whining like a little bitch. You had to wait for a route, while someone was climbing a little above there heads, who cares? Get up earlier and you will not have that problem. Do you complain when you go to the grocery store and have to wait to checkout?
climb2core wrote:His fitness tops out at 11b, I betting he was the jack ass sitting on the ledge for 15 min on his "beta burn". Dustin, thanks again for the birthday wishes... now go fuck off too! ;)
Your fitness appears to top out at 12a, how do you think others will perceive your burns on the '13a' projects you have asked about? Something to think about before starting another ridiculous thread....
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by climb2core »

Chriss, you are missing the point. We all should get on shit over our head once in a while... it is the best way to know what you have to do to climb at the next level. I got on Spank this spring and it was at my limit just to make the crux. My point (again) is that I consider other people's access and interest in the route I am on. I don't hang out on ledges for 15 min unless I truly think I can send the line. After 10 min of working the same sequence, I will pull through (if possible) or lower if there are people waiting.

I am sure you would appreciate these ethics if you show up at the same crag and want to jump on a line that I am 15 feet up on.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by climb2core »

Ok, I am done posting on this thread. Now I know why I always encounter so many people with so little respect for other climbers. Pigsteak, you spoke the truth.... me, me, and me.
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Re: Perma Draws, Blessing or Curse?

Post by krampus »

mostly me though
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