What would you do if it's your land?

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Re: What would you do if it's your land?

Post by pigsteak »

geoff, you do realize I got NONE of that 300 foot static line right? none at all, those hosers.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Re: What would you do if it's your land?

Post by crazyhair »

Leave it open to volunteers- you volunteer with me for a day- you get a colored wristband to climb for a month- volunteer whenever you want and climb whenever you want. Wristbands change colors every month from March-October. Practice LNT and don't over-crowd my lot or you risk losing your wristband. Donation box = awesome and always a good idea :D If I owned some sick climbing land I'd probably be on it alot- so if I didn't see wristbands on people's wrists or packs I'd ask people to leave. Dogs? They get wristbands too unless they misbehave by digging or if their owners don't clean up after them. I'm a climber, what I don't spend on gear I spend on gas to the red- I might not have the money to pay to climb every time I go, but I certainly can help work on trails on my rest days and donate when I can.
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Re: What would you do if it's your land?

Post by caribe »

Jeff and Pigsteak; I've climbed too many of your lines to believe that you are that exclusive. You approach owners often and talk them into allowing you access and development. There is no way you would expect your fellow man to do something you would never be willing to do. That is the basic definition of a sociopath. You would both probably use your crags to procure sex with strangers.
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Re: What would you do if it's your land?

Post by Nit »

caribe wrote:Jeff and Pigsteak;...You would both probably use your crags to procure sex with strangers.
Don't give them ideas!
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Re: What would you do if it's your land?

Post by dustonian »

Word of mouth only for new crags... guidebook info is the curse. Friends and friends of friends... and luckily I don't have many friends.

It's different though when you buy a crag that has been legal and open to climbing for over 30 years... until you bought it and closed it 5 years later.
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Re: What would you do if it's your land?

Post by Shamis »

If it wasn't a super crowded crag I'd just leave it be.

If people started trashing the place, I'd as the community to run cleanup operations.

If the impact became too high due to volume I'd figure out a way to charge money. IF it was a very high volume area I'd hire a couple broke dick climbers to police the area during the crowded seasons, collecting fees and booting troublemakers.

Or I could just poast a bunch of whiny threads on these forums and close it. That seems to be the best way to do it....
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Re: What would you do if it's your land?

Post by woodchuck008 »

Webers are my role model. They've done it right and are a great example of sharing nature.
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