krampus wrote:gotta love modern media sometimes, especially when they come across a cult and just run with it.
Aren't they all cults? Some have more some have less adherents, but the beliefs are super strange.
if we define a cult as doing something totally irrational and irrelevant all the while professing its superiorty to other lesser activities but pretending it has significance, then yes, both sport and trad are cults.
caribe and I agree..the beliefs of both are VERY strange.
I think sport and bouldering are way more new-age than trad. Trad is an established down home wholesome family religion of the born again hard. The sportos and boulderers are the fast-food, megachurched, no-commitment Christians, apostates.
If you want climbing cults, go up to Creep Show at Phantasia, but you have to know the secret date. There is a group that climbs that thing naked. There was a dude on that thing in an utterly perverse head-to-toe, fluorescent yellow Kill-Bill outfit. His nut sack was plainly visible shortly after leaving the ground. I could not stop laughing. They told me that it is an annual event. Now that's a fringe cult. I bet there are many more. And here we go.
think about it...where else do idiots waste a solid sunday with like minded individuals in search of their illusory 'fix'...people looking in from the outside must think climbers have lost their freaking minds. sure, a few think it is "cool" and flop in and out like lukewarm beleivers, but the dyed in the wool flock has been so mesmerized by their own insular group of fellow believers that they come away after a day of wasted opportunity failing to make the world a better place. gosh, there seems to be some significant similarities here..just depends on which cult you believe in I suppose.....
My affiliation to this religion does not ruffle my skeptical feathers brother Steak. Oh and yes I think Sharma is a god. BTW you will be canonized for bolting all those routes after you pass on to that endless crag in the sky.
Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And PLEASE don't try to shove it down children's throats.
"Those iron spikes you use have shortened the life expectancy of the Totem Pole by 50,000 years."
J-Rock wrote:Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And PLEASE don't try to shove it down children's throats.
Religion is like a penis. It is fine not to have one.