WANTED: Static Rope

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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by Pow317 »

I'm assuming by the response that there are some untrustworthy people that would sell a damaged rope to whoever. Again I ask for a GOOD LIGHTLY USED ROPE not a damaged one. I have a new dynamic rope in my pack still in the plastic because I didn’t need another rope as bad as I thought I did, so I was assuming that there might have been others with the similar problem with a static rope. As far as a forum full of climbers (with credentials)...I understand that ...which is exactly why I would have thought anyone on this forum that is selling gear would be educated and trustworthy enough not to sell damaged gear. I am 100% fine with buying a new rope. You know ...I have often wondered why there are only a hand full of consistent members to the forums but I think its pretty selfexplaitory now, I didn't realize most of the users had the maturity of grade schoolers but I figured it out quickly with the "Pick on the new Kid mentality".
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by climb2core »

Just have a thick skin, talk some shit back and you will fit right in. But seriously, most of the people giving you grief are the people that would NEVER give you a bad rope cause they know the consequences. However, getting a free used rope off the internet for guiding children is just not a smart decision. You can never guarantee what you will get will be safe. And even if it is 1 in 1000 chance that a kid could get hurt because you were trying to save a few bucks, it is not worth it. I would think you would be better off going to a local climbing store and see if they will sponsor you a new rope. Or just ask for cash donations on this forum. You would have more respect and probably end up with a new rope to boot.

Good luck new kid.
Last edited by climb2core on Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by DriskellHR »

climb2core wrote:Just have a thick skin, talk some shit back and you will fit right in. But seriously, most of the people giving you grief are the people that would NEVER give you a bad rope cause the know the consequences. However, getting a free used rope off the internet for guiding children is just not a smart decision. You can never guarantee what you will get will be safe. And even if it is 1 in 1000 chance that a kid could get hurt because you were trying to save a few bucks, it is not worth it. I would think you would be better off going to a local climbing store and see if they will sponsor you a new rope. Or just ask for cash donations on this forum. You would have more respect and probably end up with a new rope to boot.

Good luck new kid.

Send me a PM with your address and i'll send what I can.
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by Pow317 »

Thanks climb2core for the insight! But thats just it....I'm not asking for a free rope!!! I just thought someone may have a rope used a couple times that i could buy it alittle less than new price. I can see that this isn't going anywhere because the hassle isn't worth the 25 bucks that i was figured to save, i'll just order a new one.
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by DriskellHR »

miseducation is the biggest cause for accidents. And if you would take someones word on the internet that the gear they just sent you is "safe", well then there is an issue. I came off harsh, thats my bad. Hindsight I could have been nicer but the thouht of using a used rope for guiding scares me. I worked for the BSA for 10 yrs, so I have a personal interest in not seeing scouts hurt. I offened you, I am sorry, I should have been more tactful. Please send me your address, I'll send you some BSA training manuals I have.
"....... Be sure to linger......." Mike Tucker
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by Pow317 »

DriskellHR ..Thank You and I fully understand. My problem is looking at myself with unused gear and the fact I would not pass unsafe gear to anyone knowingly …so I catch yourself assuming everyone is as trueful. And now looking at the rope situation I see your point because it doesn't have an odometer attached so there is no way to fully tell or recognize damage that lie in hiding and in today society regretfully not many can be taken at their word. I guess I was setting myself up on taking someone word on the age, use, or misuse or the rope that might not have been obvious.
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by dustonian »

Especially pigsteak. He is very not trueful.
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by toad857 »

You can buy static rope cut-to-length at gear shops. It's often much cheaper than buying a packaged rope, and sometimes they have pre-cut lengths that are discounted b/c they need to get rid of them.
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by Pow317 »

Miguels and galls are the only 2 local shop i know. Are there any others?
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Re: WANTED: Static Rope

Post by pigsteak »

I still have a load of rope to sell to the highest bidder....
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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