Fuck you. You little prick. Mind your own fucking business. You wantto talk shit about me then I'll tell some shit about you.
I have never decked anyone. No one has ever gotten hurt because I wasn't paying attention. If Spray Lord went climbing with me he would have better odds of coming back unscathed than if he climbed with you.
So it's the middle of winter and frogboy is cold and is not looking up as he is lowering me off the anchors. He just fucking dropped me because he had his head buried in his collar. Pussy was to cold to watch me as he was lowering me.
So how'd ya like them apples,asshole!!! Keep talking shit and I'll tell all I know about you. fucker
You know, the next time you post a poll, why don't you paste some restrictions on there and only limit a certain amount of people or simply certain individuals from posting their opinion.
You should also realize that I was replying to someone else's comments - since they took the time to swear using my name online, I figured they would take the time to read my reply.
I was going to ask why you are insulting me so much, but I will refrain since it looks you have a bug against the majority of climbers.
On a different subject: this may be the time for you to get your facts straight: I have never dropped you nor anyone else. Oh, yeah, wait, I remember dropping you now: It was when I told you I never wanted to climb with you ever again, for you are way too noisy for my taste... Yeah, I guess you could consider that DROPPED (dropped from my list of friends)
Last edited by vic on Wed Sep 24, 2003 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
! Enough with all that detestation ALREADY !
Smile & be thankful for what you have.
leah wrote:yasmeen, obviously we are hippie chicks. tonight, this guy i work with goes, "leah, you remind me of a hippie." to which i replied, "perhaps that's because i am one?" and of course, i thought of you. and wes. and the 'hippie chicks only' swimming hole.
That's funny, yesterday, one of my friends referred to my natural peanut butter as "hippie food," and I thought of the exact same thing!
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
J.H. What rhunt meant as affecting the climbing community is that the Forest Service and other groups are aware of and habitually monitor this web site. So, while it seems unlikely that people would take your more visceral statements literally, there is the potential for some backlash on the climbing community. I know it seems unlikely but it's there.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.
That's funny, yesterday, one of my friends referred to my natural peanut butter as "hippie food," and I thought of the exact same thing!
Being a woman (oops! chick.....)born in 1960(yeah..i'm old) i find all of the young posters reference to hippies interesting...so i did a little digging and found this definition of what a hippie is. what i feel it is not... is clothes, food or hair...although i have a feeling Yasmeen and Leah still fit into the category of 'hippies'!
Definition: [n] someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle
Synonyms: flower child, hippy, hipster
Personally...I think i like the synonym...'hipster'...kind of like 'hippie sisters'.
So as you can see that fag vic, has abmitted to dropping me. He even claims now that he did that shit on purpose. I know that is a lie, he just wasn't paying attention. Shit you should not do while on belay.
(1) vic is a piss poor belay,he's decked poeple.
(2) he's a liar, he lies when it suits him.
(3) .................?
Come back agian bitch and I'll fill out the rest of this list
I think that's pretty out of line, Joe. There's no reason to say shit like that about someone in a public forum. If you guys have issues, sort it out in person instead of posting about it to satiate your exhibitionistic tendencies.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
Me and Vic had an ealier disagreement.True. We mutually decided that the world was big enough that we would leave each other alone.I wouldn't fuck with him and he wouldn't fuck with me. Fair enough. The problem is that he constantly violates our agreement. He's alway chiming in on discussions and knocking on me. He's not contributing to the discussion at hand. He just waits for the opportunity to kick me around a little.
So before you judge me as being out of line you should know the rest.