dustonian wrote:Wow, egregious stoogery. This kind of BS has no place in a climbing area with so much good rock...take your glue and go sniff it at home!
Damn, I hate to chime in on this. I've been holding off...
I hate to agree with Dustonian (coksukr!!) But I'm going to have to come down on his side of this...Does glue even work in the red. I know chipping wont because you end up with a beach section(always fun)
It sounds like this route needs to fall to posterity and remain unglued. If shit breaks then let it. Stronger people (the next generation) will come along and be able to smash your unglued project. How much cooler would it be for some lone wolf to come in and slink up that mother. Don't you think
that would be cool. It makes me want to go chip your glued-on bastardry off of the rock!
Allah should have the last say in it as it is his line and he's clearly concerned. My $00.02 comes down on "let the chips fall where they may"
Out west I attempted a glue job and it went heinously wrong. Sloppy,ugly. If I had had a dick in my ass, I couldn't have felt more gay.I say no to glue. And
Allah if you want the glue chopped, send me a pm and I'll go out and chop the glue. It just sets a bad precedent for what is acceptable in the RED!
If you give a man a match, he'll be warm for a minute. If you set him on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life!