this coming from the guy who slanders clevis at every turn? mmmm, ok.dustonian wrote:sure it's lame. But as a side note & to play devil's advocate here, do you guys really care that much about who ends up rap-bolting another sport route here? I mean, ego aside, in a way he just saved somebody $100 and a half day of tedious manual labor, no? There's enough rock here not to get too bent outta shape and slander a guy over one selfish blunder. didn't happen to me, so I have nothing invested. but my understanding of it was that Jason had spotted what he thought was a freakin' cool line and was stoked on putting in the yeah, I guess it does matter. The static line was hung vuirtually right on top of the line to be bolted, and then mr. mike jugs up, and rap bolts on someone elses rope? I am finidn it hard to fluff off, if only because our community should be better than that. now that mike knows from whom he snaked the line, wouldn't the decent thing be to call the dude and just talk it out man to man? and then jason and mike could come on here and tell us it is all cool and for us to butt out....