Muir Valley Request

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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by jordancolburn »

Donated. For as much as I climb there and have fun, what I donated doesn't begin to cover it, but if all of the over 100 cars there every weekend just did even a little bit, it would be more than enough. I know this has been discussed before, and I know muir can't charge for climbing(insurance, recreational use and all if I remember correctly) but is there a way to "charge" for parking. Just a small amount to make up for all the wear and tear your lot and driveway get every weekend from so many people.
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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by tundrawolf_ »

I was thinking that today when I left the parking lot. If each person pitched in 5$ (everybody has 5$, c'mon) it'd raise a bunch of money.

I'd put up a giant sign that says "5$ donation suggested per person. Help keep this open!".
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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by aburgoon »


I visited on Saturday and donated. I was wondering if this post made an impact on on-site donations last weekend. Also was wondering if the donations responding to this post have made an impact on the deficit between donations and costs. Thank you for allowing us to climb on your property, every time I go there I am reminded of the large act of generosity it takes to open your property up to the climbing community.

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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by climb2core »

I am guilty of being a user and not donating, until now. It is such a privilege to climb at such a wonderful place. I also copy and pasted the request and sent out to every climber I know who climbs in the Red and is a friend on FB. This message needs to get out now... before we are booking parties of 3 online at 6 am.

I never met you Rick and Liz, but I can tell you how much appreciate what you have done for the climbing community of the Red.... with cash.


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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by toad857 »

I think a $5 parking fee for weekends is reasonable
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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by Cl1MBER »

I took me a whole 6 minutes on Paypal, I'm a very slow learner. Thank you for everything you do to keep this great area open to the climbers. I will be back next May, see you then
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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by caribe »

toad857 wrote:I think a $5 parking fee for weekends is reasonable
I like this suggestion also. You pay to park, not to climb; this should eliminate liability.
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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by tbwilsonky »

i support this $5 fee.
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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by dustonian »

It is a great idea, but I think there would be too many potential liability complications with the KY rec law? If not, I am all for it too.

On a more immediate note, a bigger, more insistent sign would surely bring in more money. The vast majority of RRG visitors walk right past the donation kiosks without even noticing them. These same folks pay $8-16 EACH every time they go climb in their lame for-profit gym back in Ohio or wherever.
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Re: Muir Valley Request

Post by tbwilsonky »

plenty of signs up this weekend. should result in a significant increase in donations if my masses-o-meter is functioning correctly.
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