Question for the CC

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Re: Question for the CC

Post by pigsteak »

Clevis Hitch wrote:
pigsteak wrote:name a single time the coalition has declined your help clevis. one time. use the energy for some really is that easy. I promise.

Ask Driskel smart guy. I think I have the PM's still in my in box.

guess I did..looks like we have our answer....which is where the young dudes say......

o snap!
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by KD » Joes' question answered by now or what - was just checking in for the day. Don't see any smileys ... love the smileys :) :)
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Clevis Hitch
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by Clevis Hitch »

O.K. capt'n, How about this, The CC decides to go to a Gunks "style" pay-to-play land/trust. Whats to stop you from demanding that people either get a $10 day pass or a $100 a year pass? I personally think it would ruin the PMRP, but my opinion doesn't carry much water on here. Lets say the climbing public after allo of these years of work and toil to secure the PMRP don't want to see the land go this way....what recourse or redress do they (the climbing public) have and what actual weight would it carry in decision making.

Oh yeah, BTW. The answer that I got from the bod and president of the CC who said that I didn't have any guarantee that they wouldn't dispense with the land in an unethical or immoral manner wasn't in jest. It was dismissive. Kinda just like now...
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by Barnacle Ben »

Clevis Hitch wrote:Whats to stop you from demanding that people either get a $10 day pass or a $100 a year pass?
The recreational use statute.
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by dustonian »

Poor guy... even in a situation of great generosity and many people working hard on his behalf he still responds with paranoia and irrational fear.
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by Clevis Hitch »

dustonian wrote:Poor guy... even in a situation of great generosity and many people working hard on his behalf he still responds with paranoia and irrational fear.
Why are you so interested in shouting me down? Have I done something to you. You want to see me go away so bad, I'll tell you how to do it. Stop interupting. Stay out of it. Unless you have something to say (pertinent to the conversation) then say it and step out. I'll be through with my questions shortly. Then you can go back to la-la land or where ever you choose to land.
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by dustonian »

Clevis Hitch wrote: Why are you so interested in shouting me down?
Because you are obnoxious and enjoy filling this form with worthless threads disparaging hard-working volunteers when there are a million more important things you could be doing with your life. Your questions have all been answered from several different people from several different angles, yet you persist in your mewling... it's quite pathetic. If you don't want to hear the answers, then don't ask the questions in the first place. And oh yeah: :D
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by tbwilsonky »

"Whats to stop you from demanding that people either get a $10 day pass or a $100 a year pass?"

Poorly Researched :D
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Clevis Hitch
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by Clevis Hitch »

pigsteak wrote:
Clevis Hitch wrote:
pigsteak wrote:name a single time the coalition has declined your help clevis. one time. use the energy for some really is that easy. I promise.

Ask Driskel smart guy. I think I have the PM's still in my in box.

guess I did..looks like we have our answer....which is where the young dudes say......

o snap!

Oh yeah, one more thing. I volunteered to build and maintain self contained non-efluvium emmiting toilets in the PMRP(completely legal). I actually checked into renting port-a-potties and its about $800 a month a piece which is too much! So I volunteered to take care of the problem. What happened, well that would be nothing... I don't know if the CC has some sort of plan to do something (I doubt it) or if its just because I put my name on it. So blah blah blah. Talk all your shit about how I don't do anything or I don't contribute to the community and I don't volunteer. I've got plenty of time and things that I do in the S.R. that you don't even know about. Like staking out the parking lots with six other locals and thumping the fuck out of the asshole who was breaking into cars in the S.R. so you could park your prius and not get your "whole foods" lunch stolen! I don't believe you were there piggie. I put in over thirty hours in three days doing it.
Also on tuesday when you retards were sitting in your offices busting my balls about how I never did anything or volunteered. I had to cut our "computer time" short because me and my partner were going to cave fork and clearing roads so you don't get "kentucky pinstripes" down the side of your tofu car.
When you walk to solar collector. when you step across the marsh. Realize I'm the one who split those chunks of stove wood so you could walk across it with out getting your "approach shoes" wet.
When you go to cross the creek by the kiosk at the head of the trail for solar. When you go down those steps. Realize you are walking on steps that I placed. And that "bridge" that you step on to cross the creek. Dr. Bob built it and Morgan Sprauge showed up to move it but they couldn't even lift it. So it was me and my crew who placed it. I showed up with more people on accident than what the CC could muster on purpose!

You like making fun of me because I have a big truck and have lived a blue collar life but I'll tell you what I can do, that you can't. I can haul 2 1/2 ton of gravel. I can pick up my long handled shovel ( I have three different kinds) or my spud bar (you probably don't even know what that is) or my maddox and I can move earth or fill in *edited* or what ever I need to do. I can pick up my chain saw and cut fire wood and pick up my ax and split it for the fire pit at miguels and make your evening that much better. Little bit of wine, nice fire....
With my big truck I can pull a tofu car out of a ditch sideways but most of the time I can just drive your car out because 90% of you don't know how to drive on gravel (how do you get stuck on gravel, I mean its fucking gravel!) And I have done this time and again. I'll hear reports of the Lode hill being in bad shape and I go there and drive peoples cars out for them because they lack the skill set to do so. I'll drive one out and my wife will follow and run me back down the hill to drive the next out. The whole time she'll fuss at me telling me how I'm stupid for doing it because if one of their cars fucks up down the road they'll try to blame me and make me pay for it and that they don't appreciate what I'm doing anyway. But I do it anyway.
Thats not to mention my bolting. I bolt routes. I don't get first ascents. I take kids who are into climbing and let them get the first ascents. Some of the climbs that I bolt are above my grade. I still get a thrill out of watching one of my "projects" go down. The ones that I can climb, often I'll get the second ascent on.

In closing I'd like to say this. I live in Lee county. I was born in Montgomery county. To say I'm local means to say that If I'm not working out of the county or driving to Lexington for school. Then thats where I am. My Home county. So when you sit in your office in Lexington or Cincinnati and tell me how I'm not a local, that shits' funny.
I've got a lot of energy and tools and the knowledge of how to use them. I've got the time, too. There is a lot of things that I'd like to see done in the S.R.. I just don't want to contribute all of this actual work to the PMRP/RRGCC and see it taken away, or privatized or sold-off.
You say it can't be sold, I say bullshit. Charities sell off their assets all the time. The CC isn't a land trust, Its about access. You could make up some bullshit to sell it say putting "covenants and restrictions" on the title of the land that you sell to preserve access for climbers. Hence, access is intact and you can take the money to expand the "empire". Or how about setting it up like the Gunks and making the board positions paid positions. With out a way to redress or recall. The CC can finagle their way into anything.
That being said, I said all of that, to say this. Keep the appointed members of the board. Then make new seats for the same number of elected positions. Have the President vote only to break a tie. The appointed positions would have a majority in the event of a tie because of the presidential vote. All the appointed members would have to do is load their side with "yesmen" and you'd have your way every time.

Do something similar or dissimilar, just make regular climbers have a say in their assets.

Oh yeah, Meadows. You said you'd buy a six-pack for the people who stopped the break ins. Majic hat no.9 is a favorite of mine. They carry it at C. and S. :P
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Clevis Hitch
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Re: Question for the CC

Post by Clevis Hitch »

kato wrote:
Clevis Hitch wrote: Ask yourself why I tool on the CC about this.
I have no idea who you are, don't think we have ever met, but just from reading this thread, it seems like you have this assumption of entitlement. My guess is you will completely misconstrue that statement, but I really have no dog in this fight. But as I see it, the RRGCC went out and secured this land and I don't think they are really obligated to anyone at all. I'm very happy that they are doing this for the climbing community, but I don't think they owe anyone anything. Donations of time and money are given in good faith (by the minority, it seems) and the CC has not merely allowed contributors to climb, but allowed everyone to climb. That's above and beyond, in my book. It seems a little ludicrous to be asking, "why don't they come and ask for my opinion??"
So with my last post, do you have a different opinion of me, did I misconstrue?
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