Climbing antennas...

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Re: Climbing antennas...

Post by ReachHigh »

TradMike wrote:I wonder what level of EMF you are exposed to when up on the tower near the transmitter. You'd probably start growing brain tumors.
they power down the antennas before you climb them. EMF burns are possible with live equipment.
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Re: Climbing antennas...

Post by kato »

rjackson wrote:...30 pound tool bag dangling below.
Not a trad climber?
No chalkbag since 1995.
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Re: Climbing antennas...

Post by rjackson »

Yep, I plug gear... But I've also jugged enough lines now with a drill and gear attached (30 pounds worth) via long slings to know how awkward it can be. And how things tend to twirl, dance and do exactly what you don't want them to do especially when you don't need them to be doing it. I did notice that his bag was self-contained, but that the ladder rungs looked suspiciously like giant hooks in some places!
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