Hi there looking for Friends.

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Hi there looking for Friends.

Post by DanSkywalker »


My name is Dan Skywalker. I would like to introduce my self to the Red River Climbing message board. I have been climbing around for about ten years now. Sport climbing is where it all started. Then I learned about bouldering. I bouldered around for a few years. During this time I collected nomurous peicses of climbing equpiment. My climbing vacations began to get longer each time. Untill a simple climbing trip was more of a trainning experience. I climbed so much that my repoitoir of technical skills becam enriched to the point of some sort of expertise. I began finding my self standing on the summits creating the Awahnee valley.
One day I developed a realization that all this climbing is awfully dangerous. I then gave away most of my climbing tools worth around $2000.00. Only to have what was left stollen from me. I then returned home.
I am now starting to consider the various top shelf sport climbs that I learned of during my ten years of exploration. I ceratinly hope and wish
that I may find sincear friends in wich to tour with and create a list of some of the most increadible flash onsights known to man.

Please respond I will be happy to convers with people.
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Post by der uber »

I'm in.
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Post by Toad »

Am I your father, Skywalker?
Victory Whip in da House. Yeah.
the lurkist
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Post by the lurkist »

The Circle is Now Complete....
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
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Post by caribe »

Let's go to the Darkside.
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Post by DanSkywalker »


I would like to thank all of you for responding.
I am ciuours to know each of you.
I would like to ask.

Were do you most frequently climb?

My list of places would include the areas that I climb the most. The valley, sand rock, foster falls. I have visited many other places these are the places where I have climbed the most.

What grad of difficualty are you leading?

My level of climbing variously drasticly with different motivations. I currently am feeling week because of one year rest. I was really depresed when my climbing shoes and new sixity meter rope exctra... were stolen from me. I quit climbing.
Now I want to work 5.12s like I used to.

Do you know how to traditonally climb(clean/second)?

Yes I can traditonaly climb and follow.

Are you proficent with the use of jumaring acention?
If so how many times have you climbed a 60 meter rope?

I have jummared over half a mile.

Have you ever toped out on your rope climbs?

I do try to top out climbs when this is the more comfortable option.

If you were given a few weeks at each location, had ten crags to sport climb, what locations would you choose ?

This is a difficult question for me to answer because I belive It would depend on who I am climbing with. I have been in search of a reliable partner for a very long time now.
Sure there are plenty of climbers out there willing to rope up with almost anyone. But for the corse of ten years no one has ever called or sent any of my pictures. So my greatest accomplishments have gone un recorded.
I have spent months in climbing areas where I sat there crying under a 45degree wall where It was altogether iggnored. I do not want to go climbing at a place where the most increadble climbs are considered usless, a waste of bolts. So I would make my list to match places where I had a true friend who would accualy take pride in climbing some of the bolder lines. Where a rapell may be nessary during the approch. Some other extream tatics may be nessacry.
With that being said If I had a partner.
My list of places would be
yellow creek falls
Little river cannyon
foster falls
red river gorge
black cannyon
maple cannyon
and a secret pillar in califorina
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Post by clif »

if you're Peter Croft i'll buy you a beer.
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Post by DriskellHR »

I'm gunna call troll......
"....... Be sure to linger......." Mike Tucker
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Post by krampus »

DriskellHR wrote:I'm gunna call troll......
If not, I believe you and Redpoint would be like brothers from other mothers. And if memoy serves me, I think he is working 12's too
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared
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Post by One-Fall »

How does kipp find the time?
Can't we all just get along?
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