Basil Marceaux is running to be the next Tennessee Governor. I like the cut of his jib. ... re=related ... rgovernor/
Things of important
1. Can a higher court say no to 2nd traffic stops
And a county court say yes overruling the higher
No they can not! But they everyday in Tennessee.
Are you duly convicted? No I would take 12 stuns’ to protect a citizen . Would a lawyer?
No they will not! They do not even read Knowels vs. Iowa? Tenn vs. Pucket
2.The State fuel budget is a concern of mine it may Hinder safety side of our government. I would introduce a bill to make all the state vacant land that are open field and along the high way a farm and this farm will plant corn products and other plant life that can be use for alterative fuel
The 13th says criminal are slaves so we will take non.- violent criminals who are duly convicted and aloud them to work our farms to plant, take care of, harvest, put are the product into trucks where they took too the refiner ,give them some of the product to pay for process and we will take the rest in money or alternate fuel too be delivered too cities, counties around the state.
3. I would like to update the monitory car insurance to match the federal insurance act where they say if you do not know the name and address of the person who will get the check when you pay you money to your agent it is gaming and we can not gamble in Tenn, right now we are gaming. My plan would lower car insurance by 45% . With this plan to follow federal
act is too insure your our car and nobody else because the only name we will know who will get the check is ourselves who pay the money to agent. We have no insurable interest in any other person
Citizens who get food stamp and S/S check can not afford to buy where food now can they afford to pay Insurance we would need to find a way to pay the insurance for them.
4. My friends a beer stores say they must check 200 D/L a day that 400 minutes a day per clerk which is over 6 hours at $ 7.00 a hour that $ 42.00, with it mandatory then we must pay them.
5. I believe we must hate the U.S. Flag because we fly the wrong one and when we fly the right one we and the government fly it wrong. Can we start honoring the flag Again.
6. Either as a senator and when I run for 2010 governor post I will recall all gun permits and registrations and we will not had any registration in this state. The right
too bear arms against our government and not burglars must be protected after the Supreme court ruling.
7. I find it hard to take a campaign fund from anyone because if they give me money they expect something and then they seal it with a hand shack . I think this is bribery
so to keep everybody honest lets put all funds in one bucket, then divide the bucket by cities, counties and state ,then divide those buckets among who ever once want to run and
nobody owes anybody.
8. Education ,let us put phonics back in school if you can not read you can not do History, Math, English. And that where we are now. Let make it mandatory in high school to read the
minutes to the U.S. Congress , the Congressional Globe the real history of the U.S
9 Look for my citizens enemy!
I'd vote for him. ... re=popular
and if for clarification, this is what he meant to say ... ature=fvwp
and if for clarification, this is what he meant to say ... ature=fvwp
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared