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Post by krampus »

they know how to keep there population at a sustainable level. I agree that local gardens and community is and will be necessary, but even that cant sustain the population as is.
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Post by anticlmber »

sure it could, especially a mostly vegitarian population
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Post by kato »

Clevis Hitch wrote:Alot of "end-timers" think that armagaddon is fought over oil.
Armageddon will be fought over water.
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

Why would you want to be a vegitarian? You don't have to eat meat every meal, but come on. You could keep a rabbit hutchand they could eat the waste from your garden. Or better yet. Laying hens. You could get eggs from them for two years before they got to old. Then CHOP!! Dinner is served. If you keep a milk cow or goats. You'd have milk. You could do all of this on a couple of acres. If you co-operated with your neighbors it would be much more efficient.
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Post by anticlmber »

oh i love meat, it just is subsidized way too much. i'm all for the rabbit pen, chickens, and maybe some small game. cows are big ol' nasty fucking things, i'll let the neighbor raise them.

like you said, if people co-operate it would be easier. there in lies the problem and why we are where we are today. its the I, not the we.
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Post by caribe »

anticlmber wrote:oh i love meat, it just is subsidized way too much.
Agreed about the subsidized aspect. I bet that there would be more vegetarians today if people actually had to prepare meats from scratch, nasty business that.
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Post by lena_chita »

caribe wrote:
anticlmber wrote:oh i love meat, it just is subsidized way too much.
Agreed about the subsidized aspect. I bet that there would be more vegetarians today if people actually had to prepare meats from scratch, nasty business that.
I actually disagree with that. (The part where there would be more vegetarians if people had to prepare meats from scratch).

In my experience very few people who raise/handle animals on their farms on a daily basis are vegetarians. Nasty business is the industrial slaughterhouse, not bitchering/dressing your own chicken that you raised (or gutting the fish that you caught, or butchering a sheep for a feast, etc. etc.- I have done that)

Vegetarianism/veganism as it is currently existing in the United States, I think, is more of a product of disconnect between farming and table. People see pictures of the calves with those big beautiful eyes looking at them, see goats at the petting zoo, etc. etc. and and say:"oooohhh, how cute, I can't possibly eat anything with a face"-- and then go to the supermarket to buy tofurky and texturized vegetable protein for their vegetarian chili, with rennet-free almond cheese-like product to put on top of it for garnish.

This is completely different from vegetarian culture in India, for example.

But yes, if meat industry weren't subsidized, if animals were raised in a more sustainable manner, instead of feedlots and industrial-scale chicken coops, then meat would be more expensive and more scarce, and everyone would eat less of it. And that would be perfect.

Oh, and if energy were more expensive, those processed soy pruducts that are made to look/taste like meat would hopefully go down, too.
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Post by anticlmber »

i'll bet if you worked in a slaughter house you wouldn't eat meat.
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Post by bcombs »

Personally I'm getting pretty psyched about the corn fed Salmon. You're getting closer to vegetarian because it is corn fed, but you get the yummy taste of Salmon.

Is it Salmorn or Cormon? Who knows, but damn those are big steaks, and tasty to boot!
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Post by anticlmber »

seriously? most fish i've had that was from a "feed-lot" were mushy; no muscle from swimming in the streams and such.

are they good and where might i find them?
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