Concerning the Black Bear

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Post by Foghorn »

Yocal here.

I have lurked here a long time but just registered so I could post here. I walked away for a few minuits because I desided it just wasn't worth it.

I'm back. I just can't help it.

I've met a lot of good folks that come here to enjoy the area around our homes. I'm very sorry if we come across as not being up to Snowpuppy's standards. I for one will try hard to let him be whoever he wants to be and to try not to disparage his home or lifestyle.

I would like to ask Snowpuppy, with all his vast knowledge, why this bear has been captured and relocated twice before? Will you allow us to capture it again and relocate it to your back yard?

Just to be clear, this bear is safe from me and the yocals I know as long as it does not attempt to harm us or our livestock. We have known about the bear population for a long time and you don't see bear hides at any of our homes.

I need to stop now and take a walk before I say more.

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Redpoint's Bear
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Post by Redpoint's Bear »

grrrrr it all depends on the bear body language grrrrr. I miss all the people coming down the trails now grrrrrr im lonely grrrrrrr - horny too grrrrrrr
Redpoint's Bear
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Post by Redpoint's Bear »

Foghorn wrote:Yocal here.

. I'm very sorry if we come across as not being up to Snowpuppy's standards. I for one will try hard to let him be whoever he wants to be and to try not to disparage his home or lifestyle.

I would like to ask Snowpuppy, with all his vast knowledge, why this bear has been captured and relocated twice before? Will you allow us to capture it again and relocate it to your back yard?

Just to be clear, this bear is safe from me and the yocals I know as long as it does not attempt to harm us or our livestock. We have known about the bear population for a long time and you don't see bear hides at any of our homes.

Grrrrr Foghorn Grrr Snowpuppy is not a dude she just looks like one grrrrr. Do you know any guys named "puppy?" lol grrrrr
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Post by mike_a_lafontaine »

p0bray01 wrote:shouldn't the ears be down and back if it is a predatory attack?
During the attack, sure, but while an animal is in the process of stalking, it's ear would be erect, because thats when they work better.

There was a landmark behavior study on wolves done by David Mech on Ellesmere Island where the researchers donned "wolf garb" and gauged the response of prey animals (musk ox and caribou). When they had their ears on the suits laid low, the musk ox and caribou would ignore them, but when they put the faux ears "up", the prey animals would be agitated and go into defensive mode, which is running like hell for the caribou and circling the wagons for the musk ox.
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Post by Foghorn »

Grrrrr Foghorn Grrr Snowpuppy is not a dude she just looks like one grrrrr. Do you know any guys named "puppy?" lol grrrrr
Thanks Redpoint's Bear. That is just what I needed, a bear with a sense of humor !

I needed to lighten up the moment.

Come visit when you're in the neighborhood Redpoint Bear, but don't be looking at our livestock. LOL

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Post by chester »

Hey Foghorn....good points.
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Re: Concerning the Black Bear

Post by krampus »

mike_a_lafontaine wrote:That's jumping the gun a bit......... it needs to be put down.
I will give you 5 to 1 odds that should the real story ever come out, the guy was from ohio, and he did something stupid.

shit, well he may be from springfield ohio, but I still bet he was doing something stupid
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Post by dustonian »

what kind of livestock do you have Foghorn, out of curiosity? You're awfully protective of it. Are bears known for their aggressive behavior towards livestock?
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Post by Snowpuppy »

Krampus you solved the bear mystery--LOL that's priceless!!
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Post by tbwilsonky »

"Nature is unpredictable. For everyone's safety, it is best if nature is scared shitless of people."

someone please put this on a sticky so nature will know.

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