We are hanging these tubes on posts at different places around Muir Valley. In the event of an emergency – minor or serious injury – Open the tube and follow the appropriate laminated instructions. Turn on the enclosed 2-way radio and explain the emergency. The Webers and others in the valley may be monitoring FRS Channel 5.0 – especially on busy weekends.
Radios are available for loan on a limited basis at no charge. Check with the Webers at the barn.
Thanks, Meadows, for the idea!
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
Meadows wrote:...What cliffs in Muir can we expect to find this?
Bottom of both main trails from the parking lot and eventually at all the more popular walls.
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
This looks great! It would be amazing if we could get a similar system going throughout the Red! (at least with the instructions for emergencies and directions to specific crags) The EMS dispatch and crews will hopefully appreciate the initiative you've taken here and respond with increased cooperation. As a medic and trauma nurse, I can see how this could make a serious difference in outcomes for injured climbers. Thanks for doing this.
I am wondering one thing about other crags; the question of who is monitoring? At Muir, it's nice because the Weber's will often be in radio range, however, who is going to be at the other crags? Remember, FRS/GMRS radios have very short range, even those that claim 20+ miles realistically only have line-of-sight range for a few miles at best. In the Red, line of sight means perhaps a mile if you're lucky.
if any signs/info is being posted at other crags, particularly in the PMRP where the RRGCC can do what it wants, info on where to go to get cell phone reception would be a good idea and what the local dispatch numbers are. just a thought
Sand inhibits the production of toughtosterone, so get it out and send.
As if it isn't said enough: DONATE, people. The Webers kick so much ass for letting us climb on their property, let alone all the other awesome stuff they do (such as this), the least we can do is throw them a few bucks when we hit up Muir.
"And thus dissolute men abandon themselves to excesses which cause them fever and death, because the mind perverts the senses and because the will still speaks when nature is silent."
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau