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Post by anticlmber »

how nmany psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb??

one, but the lightbulb has to want to change
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Post by ahab »

Der Revir wrote:why are black peoples noses flat

because thats where god put his foot while he was ripping of thier tails :twisted:

whats wrong withfour mexican men going off the side of a cliff in a cadillac

it seats five
i have a problem w/ one of your jokes.

you could easily fit at least 10 mexicans in a cadillac.
buy the Ticket take the Ride
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Post by Der Revir »

ahab, ahab
lol why do you have a problem with my jokes
for all you know i could be black blue or muslim or white whats it to you guy
we are all mirrors reflecting each others light
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Post by Rags »

what's the difference between sarah palin's mouth and vagina?

only one thing retarded has come out of her vagina.
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Post by Boonda »

A man walks up to a woman in his office and tells her that her hair smells nice.

The woman immediately goes into her supervisor's office and tells him that she wants to file a sexual harassment suit and explains why.

The supervisor is puzzled by this time and says, "What's wrong with the co-worker telling you your hair smells nice?"

The woman replies, "He's a midget."
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Post by anticlmber »

man gets on an elevator with a woman and says, "excuse me miss, can i smell your feet?"

the lady horrified shrieks, "you most certainatly cannot!!"

the man replies, "huh, that must be your pussy then."

why did god give women legs??

so they wouldn't leave snail trails.
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Post by schwagpad »

Nerd joke:

Why are quantum physicists bad in bed?

Because when they're in the right position they just can't get the momentum right, and when they finally find the right momentum they're in the wrong position again.

(Krampus know's what I'm talking about.)
Last edited by schwagpad on Thu May 06, 2010 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by pumpout2004 »

A guy and girl are on a first date strolling through the park late in the evening. All of the sudden the girl stops and says to the guy "I really need to pee." The guy looks around and says, "well no one is around you could pee behind those bushes over there." The girl agrees and goes behind the bush to take a pee. The guy is waiting and feels a little horny so he goes over to the bush and reaches his hand through the leaves. He is feeling around when suddenly he wraps his hand around a thick cock!!! He pulls his hand back and is freaking out when the girl comes from around the bush pulling her pants up. She says, "whats wrong? you look freaked out!!" The guy responds, "I reached through the bush and felt your cock! YOU HAVE A DICK!!" The girl starts laughing then looks at the guy and says, "no, no I just decided to take a shit back there instead"
Chuffer juice!
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Post by krampus »

schwagpad wrote:Nerd joke:

Why are quantum physicists bad in bed?

Because when they're in the right position they just can't get the momentum right, and when they finally find the right momentum they're in the wrong position again.

(Krampus know's what I'm talking about.)
yeah, I broke up with a girl once cus when I had the energy I didn't have the time and when I had the time I just didn't have energy
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Post by krampus »

and sometimes when there was nothing, I was actually able to create the energy but the time was so short I always got the :roll: look from her.
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared
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