Over it

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Post by ynp1 »

I havent said (may think at times) anything bad about the CC in years... I am kind of over that shit, and i am glad that you all do what you do. god knows i dont want to do it. I think that gate was a bad idea and way more threatening then needed, but if you all think it is a great idea then whatever...

aaron hasnt been on here for over three years and has spent little time in kentucky for the last 5 years... why is he getting black listed?

i am not sorry about not just agreeing with you, all the time. i think the community is better by having people like joe, chriss, aaron and i that do question things they dont believe in. you need people that are not just clones and always patting you on the back. you will learn more from us then the normal, "Thanks I love what you all are doing!!!!!". you get little or nothing out of that comment.

SOOOOO... Thanks Wes for everything you have done for the community and please dont give up on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have haters, I have fans in denial.
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Post by krampus »

+1 ^
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Post by KD »

I ran away from home when I was six and I never have gone or looked back
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Post by Shamis »

Overly dramatic.
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Post by fray21 »

Mr. Fat Panda why so angry???

If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

A few simple questions should not cause you to have a public temper tantrum, how embarrassing to be you :oops: .

If you put your drill on e-bay make sure to post a link. Someone will have to finish up the "closed project"... that only has anchors.

By the way, thanks for everything you have done for the red :P !!!
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Post by pigsteak »

If Wes will let me, I will finish bolting the route, and I will gladly red tag it and hand it back to Wes. Wes, when I finish bolting it, you get a year to send it, at which point you can hand it back to me for a year...sooner or later, we will open it...actually, when ever we damn well please. :wink:

the funny part about all of this is two fold: first the orginal post wasn't about Wes and hurt feelings per se, but about all the takers , whiners, and ingrates who have little clue and a entitlement mentality.

Secondly, Wes could open this route up to full development, and there are truly only 2-3 of us who who sacrifice a weekend to bolt it..the rest of you salivating dogs want to get the send, the points, and the spray without the sacrifice. that is why the last 10 sport routes I have bolted and sent are not publicized or published...because i'd rather do it on my own time line, away from the crowds. Maybe in a year or two, I'll give all the info to Ray to distribute.

It's the self entitled attitude and laziness of climbers that has brought on closures, pissed off land managers/owners, RRGCC board member weariness, developer stealth activity, etc....

Am I bitter? not in the least..I just learned how to go about my business under the radar in the last year...too many slobbering wolves ready to undermine my joy.

That being said, developers love to see people psyched on our new routes. A big thank you, a sixer, a box of bolts, or some hangers are all appreciated, but if that is too much to ask, then let us develop and enjoy the process. in the five years I have been bolting here, Ray, Michelle, OW, are singularly the only people to ever offer assistance in the process. Ray and Michelle have given me at least 100 bolts over the years, and OW gave me a brand new static line.

Save the sermon..I know I don't have to do it, and I do it cuz I love being outside and I get immense satisfaction from the process. No one owes me a dime...but if it is my cash and time put into the process, then at the very least I feel I deserve to be bound by no time line. If I am hogging a line you had your eye on for years, and I am now standing in your way of world domination, please get ahold of me and we can work something out. You pay me for the hardware, and the route is yours. Typically this will cost you about $50 on average.
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Post by pigsteak »

Add: Rick Weber has given me glue ins for Muir, and RRGCC has offered assistance in the SR. I have yet to take RRGCC up on the offer, but sure I will.

To both, thank you very much.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by ynot »

It's a bummer Terry isn't around to set people straight.
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Post by RRO »

pigsteak wrote: that is why the last 10 sport routes I have bolted and sent are not publicized or published...because i'd rather do it on my own time line, away from the crowds. Maybe in a year or two, I'll give all the info to Ray to distribute.
same here.........actually enjoying climbing again because of it

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Post by JR »

Sorry you feel this way Wes.
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