Clevis Hitch wrote:How petulant...
Me or You? Again, that was not my intent.
I actually thought I answered the questions but I'll try one more time.
What does that mean exactly? Between them and their concious?
The conscious remark was I can't figure out how someone is threatened by an unlocked gate with a sign. If we wanted to keep people out that's probably not the way to do it. Makes me think the sense of a threat has more to do with them than us.
Please explain?
The numbers thing I answered. It costs money (in addition to tons of organization) to handle an event and there's no guarantee anyone will show. The profit margin on these is far from lucrative and too many times it's been a party Bob and the rest of the BOD, Miguel, True North and RRO and all our other allies have essentially put on for everyone's good time. With the exception of Rocktoberfest, most of these events are funded personally by us and the sponsors. Also, whenever we charge anything, attendance drops significantly. I've got no problem throwing a party and even though we are getting better, they don't make a ton of money.
We can't really have many more big events for a few reasons listed above.....other events in the area, we're pretty lucky to get the big sponsors once a year especially when most other events have been taken off their list the last 2 years, and we work for months at a time organizing the big one before it even gets here. We can only fit so much work in between our actual jobs and having a life and the relationships with our big sponsors are not something we handle lightly.
Actually more people involved in the work means less work per person so I'm gonna say that that statement is false
Think what you want, you haven't been bustin ass to manage these efforts for years. Trust me on this or not, but projects have to be coordinated and managed and we do the best we can to get as much done as possible.
.So plan more huge events. Or appoint a commitee, get more people involved
See above for events.
Get more people involved for what purpose? We have a ton of volunteers and when we have something that needs to be done we do not lack resource. We lack in coordinating these efforts every week. Some of us like to do things other than a trail day every weekend. If I were a paid manager to handle all these efforts we'd be good. As it is I can barely keep up on the emails that are flying around, much less respond to them.
Now, we do need a treasurer and a full time web developer. You know anybody send them our direction.
Its not that the efforts aren't appreciated, It's the exclusionary part of what you are saying.
I still don't get this. We don't exclude people. Granted we don't need a Spanish translator right now but as I mentioned above, a Treasurer and Web Developer would be pretty useful. Of course, we only work with people we can actually work with, but we're not the hardest people to get along with.
I havent resorted to name calling, so don't start it up and act like I called anybody an idiot. The biggest name I used was elitist and now you're taking it out of context, nice
Never said you called us idiots, or lazy. My point was maybe I think we've earned enough credibility to deserve a little bit of trust. I presume too much I guess.
Read; we are a shadow organization that operates behind closed doors and we have a kool kids klimbers club and you aint in it!
the CC. I'm trying to help you see how you are percieved by everyone else not just the ones who give you cuddos.
Still not hearing this from anyone but you. Have the hoards of people that keep your council step forward.
That sounds like sarcasm, tell me I'm wrong. Sarcasm is the weapon of choice for an unarmed man.
What a cute little saying. It's also a tool sometimes used to lighten the mood.
So stop being so exclusionary and allow more people to participate. Quit being so secretive.
Still not seeing this. We have more open meetings than we do closed meetings these days. So many open meeting we don't get our internal business done (bylaws, standing rules, the actual paperwork a 501(c)3 has to keep up with so we don't get audited).
Look at it like this.......
Did I not answer the question about Driveby to your satisfaction?
Do we have a CC authorized closure to look forward to?
The only closed gate you'll see is if we don't pay the property off and it won't be us installing it.