Dry rock

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Dry rock

Post by encipher »

Hello everyone,

So I had originally intended to leave today from Maryland and arrive at the Red tonight, and start climbing tomorrow. However, it seems like it will be raining through Sunday. My question is as follows: if I leave Sunday, and start climbing Monday, will the rock be dry and/or climbable? or does it usually take longer for the rock to dry out there? Also, anyone familiar with the weather could possibly shed some light on the camping conditions after rain...

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Post by dustonian »

Steep stuff good slab bad
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Post by jobryan »

You can climb in the rain, at the red, most of the time. You can camp at Land of Arches campground for five dollars, per person, per night inside an enclosed building.
1 wheel drive
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Post by 1 wheel drive »

True North Inn is a great place to stay in not so nice weather. The restaurant there has excellent food, and a really affordable breakfast for guests. Miguel's can get wet after heavy rains, but it's the best place to connect with other climbers. Lago Linda is close to the PMRP and has tent shelters. There are also tons of backcountry sites on ridgelines that cost only an overnight parking permit available at the Slade Shell, True North Inn, and Miguel's.

Have a great trip!
"You know they call them Killer Whales" - Neko Case
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Post by Rollo »

the rest of the week looks badass... should be good camping and climbing. have a great time
And on the third day, God created the Red River Gorge(by conjecture), and he saw that it was good.
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