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Post by ynp1 »

I don't have haters, I have fans in denial.
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Clevis Hitch
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

(theme song to jeopardy plays in background)
If you give a man a match, he'll be warm for a minute. If you set him on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life!
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Post by ynp1 »

What is Go? for 500...
I don't have haters, I have fans in denial.
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Post by ahab »

don't jeopardy much, huh?

you meant:
i'll take "Go" for $500, alex.

"Go" for $500:

Answer: screen name Clevis Hitch has been told to go to this mythical land of sinners and suffering on more than one occasion.

Question: where is____???
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Post by toad857 »

where is..... um..... cleveland?
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Post by ahab »

close...but incorrect.
buy the Ticket take the Ride
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Post by bcombs »

Practice Wall?
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Post by anticlmber »

ohhh im sorry, please remeber to form your answer in the form of a question.

that really doesnt make since.

the correct answer:
what is your mom's vagina and we would also have accepted va jay-jay
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Post by mike_a_lafontaine »

What was said earlier about returning to the place you decked is true. You really cannot help yourself. It eats at you. I decked once while free soloing. It scared the shit out of me. I must have been 10, maybe 20 inches off the ground. It happened so fast, but my whole life flashed before my eyes. I'm lucky to be alive. After that, I knew my life couldn't return to normal until I conquered the route. But once I did and could proudly say I could master the route to the top bunk of my son's bed, an enormous weight was lifted. Now I feel as though I can quit free soloing with my head held high...I'm such a badass!
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Post by sendit »

Wow this is the most awesome pure climbing in the history of the world! ... free_solo/
all you haters die slow.
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