Hey guys,
the cooler weather is starting to set in (unfortunately, so is the darkness), and we all know what that means..... Perfect friction! So what does everyone have on their fall tick list? Has anyone gotten a jump on the weather and started firing them off already? I don't know about you, but I am ready to get my send on! AMPED AND WIRED!
...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
Man, when it is 40 and sunny during the day and low 30's at night, then the friction and climbing will really be on. It is still going to be in the 80's this weekend, so there is no way a route like wadcutter will be going down, it is to conditions dependent.
Wes, I found that if I really brush the crux while I'm hanging the draws before the redpoint attempt then it will give me just enough friction to stick "THE MOVE" in any conditions.
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!
That works pretty well, I have done that on many hard sends. Like C sharp and face up to that crack. Although none of them have anything as dynamic as "THE MOVE" on them. Perhaps you are trying to push to hard for this send. Wait until the conditions are better, I would hate to see you loose skin or even worse, tear a flapper when you don't stick "THE MOVE".
tick list :
-- go to a few crags that I haven't seen yet
--maybe send a few nemesisses, nemisi and start some new ones
--walk/run around a little Auxier Ridge maybe