young punks on dope

Movies, music, food, blood, dogs, Horatio.....

People smoking left-handed cigarettes

lets roll one brah
oh my goodness
don't really care
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Post by krampus »

climbing drunk is stupid, crag beer is tasty, ganja goo balls may be too strong, and smoking the dope really has no effect one way or the other.
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Clevis Hitch
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

satire you *edited*.
I see, that you see the world in black and white not in the subtle shades of empathy. Its amazing how you people want to go off on me. I mean look at these three *edited*. Just spittin hate. For God's skake,Don't say what you mean!
I think you guys are full of rage then you take it out on someone passive/agressive. You guys should say what you mea,n when you mean it.
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Post by toad857 »

hmm, I'll give you a C- on that one. the first statement is at odds with the rest of the rambling.

i mean... "you people"?

and "just spittin hate"?

like only spitting hate? not, like, a subtle shade of, say.... something else maybe? i don't know... seems kind of, uh, black & white to me.

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Clevis Hitch
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

It takes so much energy to get into this shit...Look I know I sound like an asshole on here. I know you guys love baiting me and on a certain level I like fighting back. I think it has to do with my feelings of powerlessness in alot of areas in my life and going off on here gives me a sense of...i can't say accomplishment....lets just say I vent. I don't think its all that healthy. So I want to be more positive. I want more peace in my life.
So lets just say for the sake of peace, you let shit go and so will I.
If you give a man a match, he'll be warm for a minute. If you set him on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life!
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Post by charlie »

Clevis Hitch wrote:...lets just say I vent. I don't think its all that healthy. So I want to be more positive. I want more peace in my life......
That's the spirit. I like it.
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Post by sendit »

Clevis man, I remember that 30 pack day of high life fondly (at least one 'em ;) I believe we went to the far side and you did most of the belaying all day...with a munter hitch and a big old locking biner. Nietzel was a bit nervous but I think all the fire that was burning that day helped chill us all out. I remember leaving Lexington with you around 9:30am that saturday, you already had a few in you and we'd barely gotten out of the neighborhood when you cracked another open. The drinking never really stopped the rest of the day. It was a positive and peaceful day.
all you haters die slow.
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Clevis Hitch
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Post by Clevis Hitch »

I got skilz :mrgreen:
If you give a man a match, he'll be warm for a minute. If you set him on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life!
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Post by Izzy »

Yeah you guys are rock stars, totally. That's so cool, that you guys drank, and then drove, and then climbed while drinking and then drove again. EPIC!
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Post by dustonian »

and then they sprayed about it on the INTERNET!!!
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Post by pigsteak »

but don't be an idiot and solo, for gawd's sake....
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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