it's kind of like the drug testing question at the workplace: would you rather have a pot-smoking productive worker or a lazy sober one?
id rather have a stoney-baloney belayer who's experienced than a sober one who's never caught a fall before. (i've been belayed by both--guess which one scares me more)
who is talking guys go all anal over double checking climbing systems, proper brake hand position, etc but act like smoking dope is like drinking Mt. Dew. If it weren't a mind altering drug, no one would do it....I am 100% for legalizing pot, but for gawd's sake to say it is "ok" while climbing is ignorant. I know, I know..probably a third of those on here get high and climb on a regular basis. it may be kool and hip but it is still stupid to do while climbing. sorry for pointing out the obvious.
I wouldn't go as far to say it is ignorant to smoke and climb. I think it comes down to your awareness of how it affects you. It affects everyone differently and some people are just as aware and alert after partaking and may even be more cautious and attentive to detail. Granted some people get straight up retarded when they're stoned, so it just depends on the person's awareness of their mental state and the ability to be responsible and decide that maybe it was one hit too many and call it a rest day. If it helps you get in a better mental state for climbing and doesn't make you an idiot, go for it. While were on the topic of substances at the crag, what are all y'all's take on crag beers?
I'm pretty sure that if I can walk a slackline back and forth stoned out of my mind, I have the motor skills to climb/belay stoned as well... If anything, it causes me to pay MORE attention than I would If I wasn't stoned. Is there evidence that would make me change my mind?